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BellaOnline's Etiquette Editor

Men and Wearing Flip Flops

Summer is in high gear and attire at work tends to become more relaxed. If you already work in a casual environment, the summer shoe option can get pretty broad and well, perhaps too casual. First order of business is the flip flop. Many may shudder at the thought of wearing them to work but I must caution, many actually decide to wear this casual (and comfy) form of footwear at the office.
Men, the flip flops you are choosing to wear to work are exposing your entire foot. This bears the potential to be distracting. You can't see your heels but those walking behind you and the ones to your left and right can see that bulbous piece of under-exposed white flesh that's oozing over the top of your flip flop. Can we say, "Ewww!"
Then there's those toes of yours. When was the last time they were exposed to fresh air other than the shower? Encasing them between sheets while you sleep does not count. That's not fresh air. If you haven't brought your toes out of hiding lately, don't expect them to look their best without a little effort. Much like the nose, ears and the back, hair tends to grow in weird but public places. Your hairy toes can certainly use the same trim that you are willing to give to those other areas of your body which tend to have agendas all their own.
If you would like to sport a more casual look at the office this summer, it may be best if you would please reconsider wearing a pair of flip flops to work. You can still lighten up without grossing out your coworkers.
Sandals at work are another item that is always going to be iffy. Unless you are at the beach or poolside, you still need to consider how a foot looks and, quite honestly, how they are going to smell.
When a foot emerges from the disguise of a shoe and the covering of a sock, unless you go to a salon for a pedicure occasionally, your feet will need a little maintenance. With a dress shoe and even a tennis shoe, your feet are still encased in a sock. Although the sock is soft and somewhat protective of the outside elements, your feet can't go on like that without going unscathed.
Toenails grow. It's a fact and you need to trim them. Cuticles, the skin around your toes and fingers, get long and need to be kept in check even if your feet are never going to see the light of day. Then there are the calluses. It makes no difference how comfortable a shoe is, you are going to get a callous or two eventually and although it may not physically hurt you, it's visually painful to have to look at it.
This is not to say that you can't wear sandals or flip flops ever. Just keep in mind that it's not just a matter of grabbing the pair of summer shoes and heading out the door. There's just some consideration you need to put into effect first, that's all. If foot maintenance is quite beyond you then consider a loafer. They are more casual and typically lighter for the summer heat, etc.
If you are going to wear a loafer, please wear a pair of socks with them. Really, other than a sandal and of course a flip flop, you should always wear socks with your shoes. Did I make this clear: in other words don't be the socks with sandals guy.
And women, I've already addressed the question of sandals at work. Please refer those articles in my work section of this blog.

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