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BellaOnline's Birds Editor

Conures - Complete Care Guide

Cages and Accessories
The conure needs a big cage the bigger the better. Be very cautious on the amount of spacing between bars especially since conures are smaller than other parrots and could get their heads trapped. There should be vertical and horizontal bars. Conures enjoy climbing. The cage should not be round it should be square or rectangular. The conure needs to exercise his wings and it is much easier and a lot less dangerous in a square or rectangular cage.

Supply a number of perches of different diameters and textures. Having an assortment of perches helps maximize optimal foot health. Never place the perches above the food or water dishes. The bird will eliminate in its food or water and this can be very unhealthy due to bacterial growth. Watch perch placement in relation to the cage bars so that the conure does not wear his tail by brushing against the cage constantly.

The cage and accessories need to be kept clean and sanitized. Plenty of fresh filtered water should be provided daily. If the bird has soiled in his water be sure to clean the dish and supply fresh water more frequently.

Lots of toys should be available for your conure to play with. They need physical exercise and mental stimulation. They should also have lots of playtime outside of the cage. Rotate the toys frequently so they always appear fresh and new.

Be careful on the types of materials you use for a cage cover. Conures like to chew and they will chew the cage cover; producing hanging strings that could entangle and strangle the conure.

Health and Nutrition
Seed mixes and pellet mixes are a good beginning diet for a conure. Often time’s conures will pick out the sunflowers seeds and then only eat the sunflower seeds. Sunflower seeds are fattening. So it is better to pick out the sunflower seeds and offer them as rewards or treats. Some pellet mixes come in a variety of shapes and colors. Conures are more inclined to eat the pellets if they are different. Supplement the diet with lots of fresh vegetables, fruits, greens, and proteins. Always remove fresh foods from the cage after he finishes eating. These foods can spoil and you don’t want your bird to get sick. I feed my bird most any healthy food that we eat. They should never have chocolate, caffeine, avocado, or alcohol.

I prefer to keep my bird’s wing's clipped as long as they live in a home enviroment. Far too often they fly out a window or door, or into windows or mirrors. If they have free flight they can accidentally fall into open toilets or open pots of boiling liquid. Many pet birds have fallen into glasses of liquid; their broken hearted family finds them dead. There are many dangers in your home.

If you do not clip their wings you will have to supervise them 100% of the time and be 100% certain there is no dangers in your home such as a glass of water, boiling pot of water, or thousands of other potential dangers.

There are toxic fumes in your home. Never smoke cigarettes around your bird. Never use Teflon around your birds. When Teflon is over heated is emits deadly fumes. Scented candles and perfumes can be toxic. Air fresheners are bad for birds. Birds breathe differently than mammals and many things can be deadly. In addition, keep all poisonous plants out of your home and away from your bird. Do not cut tree branches for your birds that have pesticides, toxins or that are poisonous.

Conures like most birds enjoy a bath. Use a bird bathing tub or save the bucks and use a shallow dish you have lying around the house. Gently wrap the bird with a towel until partially dried. The conure will finish the drying process by preening and flapping. Do make sure the room is warm before allowing your bird to become wet.

Above all else, enjoy your pet conure!

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Diana Geiger Exotic Pets Editoron

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