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The developers have outdone themselves with this expansion that shines the graphics VERY nicely!"> </HEAD> <body bgcolor='white' text='#333366' link='#ff6666' vlink='#ff6600' topmargin='0' leftmargin='0'> <TABLE width='100%'><TR><TD width=151 valign='bottom'><A HREF="https://www.bellaonline.com"><img src="/images/logo.jpg" border=0 alt="BellaOnline"></A></TD><TD align="center"> <!--#include virtual="/InBanner.asp" --> </TD></TR></TABLE> <FORM method="post" action="/misc/search.asp"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="siteid" value="3"> <table CLASS="channelcolor" width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' background='/images/topbar.jpg'> <tr><TD width=10> </TD><td align='left' valign='middle' class='date' width=120><INPUT TYPE="text" name="term" size=15></TD><td align='left' valign='middle' class='date' width=10><INPUT TYPE="image" src="/images/but/search.gif"></TD><TD class='sweepsdiv'><DIV align='right'><A HREF="http://forums.bellaonline.com" CLASS="topbar">forum</A> | <A HREF="http://radio.bellaonline.com" CLASS="topbar">radio</A> | <A HREF="/misc/shops/" CLASS="topbar">shops</A> | <A HREF="/misc/sweeps/" CLASS="topbar">sweepstakes</A> </DIV></td></tr></table> </FORM> <TABLE WIDTH="100%" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" HEIGHT="100%" BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="0"> <TR> <TD WIDTH="6" ROWSPAN=99><IMG SRC="/images/white1x1.gif" WIDTH="6" HEIGHT="1" BORDER="0"></TD> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT" WIDTH="145" ALIGN="CENTER" ROWSPAN=99> <DIV ALIGN="CENTER"> <!--#INCLUDE VIRTUAL="/InChannels.asp" --> <!--#INCLUDE VIRTUAL="/InDailyClick.asp" --> <!--#INCLUDE VIRTUAL="/InNewAtBella.asp" --> </CENTER> </DIV> </TD> <TD ROWSPAN=99 WIDTH=17 VALIGN="TOP" BACKGROUND="/images/vertical.gif"><IMG SRC="/images/white1x1.gif" WIDTH="17" HEIGHT="3"></TD> <TD WIDTH="6" ROWSPAN=99> <IMG SRC="/images/white1x1.gif" WIDTH="6" HEIGHT="1" BORDER="0"> </TD></TR> <TR><TD VALIGN="TOP"> <TABLE WIDTH="100%" BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"><TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT" WIDTH="67" VALIGN="BOTTOM" rowspan=2> <A HREF="/about/xbox"><IMG SRC="/images/editors/xbox.jpg" WIDTH="56" HEIGHT="83" BORDER="0" alt="g"></A></TD> <TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" CLASS="host"><A HREF="/site/xbox" CLASS="sitename">Computer / Console Gaming Site</A></TD></TR> <TR><TD align="left" valign="bottom" class="host"><A HREF="/about/xbox" class="editor">Lisa Shea</A><BR> BellaOnline's <A HREF="/about/xbox" class="host">Computer / Console Game</A> Editor</TD></TR></TABLE> <BR> <IMG SRC="/images/orange1x1.gif" WIDTH="100%" HEIGHT="1" alt="g"><BR> <BR> <TABLE width='95%'><TR><TD> <H1>Diablo 2 Expansion is Worth the Cash</H1> As much as I loved and was addicted to Diablo 2, the graphics just weren't there. When you killed a boss and little red pixels splashed everywhere, it made the moment almost laughable. Diablo's programmers took the many comments about the graphics to heart, and they did a STELLAR job of revamping them in this expansion. <br><br> I would have easily bought the expansion for the graphic upgrade alone - that makes Diablo 2 almost like an entirely new game, worth playing through all over again. However, they didn't stop there. There are 2 new races - the druid and the assassin - both of which I *love*. The assassin has cool attack moves that are great fun to watch. The druid can either shapeshift, or summon creatures, or control the elements. I love all three, but the elemental attacks are GREAT! This has become my new favorite character. <br><br> There are new monsters to fight, an ENTIRE new act with great graphics, tons of new weapons, even new Cube recipes to play with. And, in a move that other game companies should pay attention to, you can now have TWO sets of weapons defined (i.e. bow and sword/shield for example) and easily toggle between them. I've been dying for that in every game I've played! <br><br> It is really like an entirely new game, with the added benefit that you don't have to learn new keystrokes. I *highly* encourage any Diablo 2 lover to grab this, and if you don't have either one yet, treat yourself and get them both! <br><br> <A HREF="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00005A3I8/lisashomepage">Buy Diablo 2 Expansion on Amazon.Com</A> <br><br> <TABLE width="100%"><TR><TD> <CENTER> <!-- *** SEND-A-FRIEND START *** --> <script language="JavaScript">var strCode='';</script> <script src="/code/SendAFriend.asp"></script> <script language="JavaScript">document.write(strCode);</script> <!-- ***SEND-A-FRIEND END *** --> <BR><BR> <font face='verdana' size='2'> <A HREF="http://forum.bellaonline.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=postlist&Board=14" CLASS="dailyclicks"> Forum - Live Hints, Tips and Cheats</A><BR> <A HREF="/gaming/addtip.html" CLASS="dailyclicks"> Submit a Hint, Tip or Cheat</A><BR> </font> </CENTER> </TD><TD><DIV align="RIGHT"> <!--#INCLUDE VIRTUAL="/InCube.asp" --> </DIV> </TD></TR></TABLE> <BR><BR> <CENTER> <form method=POST action="/members/subscribe/subscribe_p.asp"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="S" value="AB"> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 bgcolor="#000000"> <TR><TD> <TABLE bgcolor="#FFFFFF" cellpadding=5><tr><td colspan=2><CENTER> <b>Want hints, tips, and techniques delivered to you personally?<BR> Subscribe to one of our Gaming Newsletters:</b> <br><br> <input type="radio" name="nl_site" value="3" checked>Computer Gaming    <input type="radio" name="nl_site" value="296">PS2 / PS3    <input type="radio" name="nl_site" value="285">Nintendo    <input type="radio" name="nl_site" value="362">DS / PSP    <input type="radio" name="nl_site" value="295">XBox<BR> </CENTER> </TD></TR><TR><TD><DIV align="right"> <input type=text name="nl_email" value="enter email address" size=30 onClick="this.value=''"> </DIV></TD><TD> <input type="image" SRC="/images/subscribe.jpg" name="submit"> </td></tr></table> </TD></TR></TABLE> </form> </CENTER> <br><br> <script src="/code/counter.asp?site=3&page=93"> </script> </DIV> <br><br> </TD> <TD WIDTH=17 VALIGN="TOP" BACKGROUND="/images/vertical.gif"><IMG SRC="/images/white1x1.gif" WIDTH="17" HEIGHT="3"></TD> <TD WIDTH="145" VALIGN="TOP"> <font face='verdana' size='2'> <CENTER> <A HREF="/articles/art170.asp">Walkthrough Index</A> <BR><BR> <A HREF="http://sony.bellaonline.com">PS2 / PS3 Reviews</A> <BR><BR> <A HREF="http://nintendo.bellaonline.com">Wii Reviews</A> <BR><BR> <A HREF="http://handheldgaming.bellaonline.com">Nintendo DS Reviews</A> <BR><BR> <A HREF="http://xbox.bellaonline.com">XBox Reviews</A> <BR><BR> <A HREF="http://gaming.bellaonline.com">PC Game Reviews</A> <BR><BR><BR> <A HREF="http://exploringbelievability.blogspot.com/2011/12/young-hero-and-child-soldier.html">Video Games and Child Soldiers</A><BR><BR> <A HREF="http://exploringbelievability.blogspot.com/2012/01/character-design-style-of-substance.html">Women in Armor</A><BR><BR> <A HREF="http://www.romanceclass.com">Free Dating Tips</A> </FONT> <BR><BR> <!--#INCLUDE VIRTUAL="/InMembers.asp" --> <!--#INCLUDE VIRTUAL="/InPolls.asp" --> </CENTER> </TD></TR></TABLE> <!--#INCLUDE VIRTUAL="/InFooter.asp" --> </BODY> </HTML>