<%@ Language=VBScript %> Gun Walkthrough - Tips and Techniques for Gun by Lisa Shea
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Lisa Shea
BellaOnline's Computer / Console Game Editor


Gun Walkthrough
Jenny and the Cathouse

When you've finished with the casino, go talk to the bartender. This launches you into a cut scene. You tell Jenny that Sadie is dead, so is Ned. You go into a gunfight and have to kill a few guys. Fight your way upstairs, shooting out the horde of enemies as you go. Move out on the front porch. Be sure to gather ammo from dropped rifles. Go around the hall avoiding shooting the girls and innocents. Patience pays off - go slowly, be patient and use cover whenever you can.

Finally you get in to Rude and have to shoot him while avoiding hurting Jenny. Rude had a "patience bar" timer so don't take an eternity once you get to this point. When it's safe, Jenny opens a trunk - you see a picture of Ned and get his gun. Jennie says Sadie went to Empire New Mexico. Someone throws a malotov in.

You now have a Schofield - this gives you faster reloads. The bad guys are trying to set fire to the place. Run downstairs, shooting as you go. Kill the torch guys first. There is now a health bar for the Alhambra (building) and Jenny.

When you kill the first wave, you are told there are more outside. The Alhambra gets a new health bar. For you, there are health and ammo to right side. When you're ready, go out and kill the enemies, nicely marked by red dots. There's a horse out front to ride to ride around and trample them.

Now it's gunfight time - "if you've got the balls". Cue the good / bad / ugly music! Go into quickdraw mode and blast them all away. You have one health bar for 'crude and gant' and another for Jenny. "There he is!" says Jenny helpfully, as you unload bullet after bullet into your opponent who is standing in the middle of the street.

When you kill them all - success - you get a Winchester shotgun model 1887.

You also meet Patrick, the Sheriff / City Marshall who says he'll be at the bridge west of town.

You get a cut-scene of you with bathing Jenny (discreetly covered with soap). She says Rev. Reed came by a week ago, from Empire. She knows the mayor there, but first you have to get the road open.

You get a new weapon, the whiskey bomb. This shows up as four little fiery icons down by your gun.

Gun Walkthrough

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