<%@ Language=VBScript %> Gun Walkthrough - Tips and Techniques for Gun by Lisa Shea
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Lisa Shea
BellaOnline's Computer / Console Game Editor


Gun Walkthrough
Meeting Hoodoo

Jenny is friends with Hoodoo, the mayor of Empire. Once you get there on your "Canyon Express", he tells you how the telegraph wires were cut. There are a TON of side missions to do here, and a ton of gold to gather and upgrades to buy. Go around doing as many as you can, and learning the map, before you continue. The main square has both rifle and shotgun ammo. Watch out for outlaws in the wilds, especially near train tunnels.

When you've exhausted all other options, talk to Hoodoo's deputy. He takes you in to see Hoodoo. You meet his pals, Rudebaugh and JJ Webb. You tell him about Josiah Reed. Hoodoo gives you a star, and he says he'll find you information on that scallawag Reed. You agree. You learn that Chavez Y Chavez is in town; he's part of the resistance.

Ride along with the other 2 deputies. Your task says to talk to the bartender. Dutifully, go in to the X spot. The bartender says Chavez just left, but that he was talking to 2 people. The guys pull on you, yelling "Law!" Now the Black Hat band comes in after you. There's about 5 of them, you shoot them pretty easily with quickdraw. Chavez comes in, sees what's going on, says "better warn Clay" and rides off.

Off you go. As you approach the ranch, you hit an ambush. You let Chavez go and kill the rest. Your guys say to raid the ranch itself. As you ride up, you have to fight off another 10 or so goons. Kill them. Then you get a cut scene with the barn.

It's time again for Chavez Y Chavez - have to run after him. You can't let him get too far away, so focus as you ride on clear paths. Once you've chased him down, you get to a barn where a guy and girl say save us. The deputies shoot down the 2 unarmed people and you, annoyed, pull a gun on the deputies. They claim Hoodoo told them to. Jeez, that was a short lived association!

You hold them up and they get into a gunfight with you. Now both men have health bars. Use cover and be patient, and it's not too hard to kill both.

Success - new federal marshal, pony express, ranch hand missions available

You also get a cold double barrel and a volcanic 10 shooting handgun.

Gun Walkthrough

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