<%@ Language=VBScript %> Gun Walkthrough - Tips and Techniques for Gun by Lisa Shea
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Lisa Shea
BellaOnline's Computer / Console Game Editor


Gun Walkthrough
Going to Jail

Be sure to do all other tasks before it's time to confront Hoodoo. When you step into the marked ring, you get a cut scene. The preacher cuts Jenny's throat. Jeez Louise, does everyone you love in this game have to die pretty much immediately? Next, you're bashed by Hoodoo. Then you're re-bashed by an elderly white haired guy. Fun? No. You're to be hanged in the morning.

Now you're hanging out in jail. You don't even get a yummy last meal. Talk to Port - need to kill deputy - grab him by bars. he says he doesn't have keys. Kill him and take badge. now go to the lock. go to door and it'll light up a button. Hit it 5 times to open it. lots of ammo etc at desk. apache bow. go out the door by the hanging lantern. your pal sys to bring back the horse quiet. there are 4 choices of horses on the map. you have to get 3 of them to the bridge. so the northernmost horse - 2 guys by fire, 1 walking circles. go slowly getting the lone one first then the other guards. ride him back to the bridge. 3 guys at the southern one. again pick out the lone wanderer first. Same fro the third horse. Get them all back to the bridge spot. now told to torch the livery with a whiskey bottle. it's right over the ridge. go to ring spot on south side of the building. throw a whiskey at that spot. wait a few minuts and it'll go up. now a new X spot - steal a powder keg. go sneakily to avoid being seen by the bad guys. take out any enemies that do chase you. work your way around to the X shooting out the guards there. get the TNT barrela nd it shows you where to put it. you have to get there without being seen, so watch for the red dots. put the barrel in the ring, move away onto the bridge and shoot it. he runs down to you. hop on the horse. ride with them straight through out to the X - right at the bridge, down tot he circle spot by the tunnel. Soap says he's going off to Dodge. You and Port are going to his hideout. going to meet Clay Allison. mission complete. +25 health. new pony, bounty, poer missions available. dynamite - can b e lit and thrown for timed, or doused and thrown for trap to shoot. clay says he knew ned 10 yrs ago in war, killed.

Gun Walkthrough

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