Here's the latest article from the Gifted Education site at
Alphabet Kids-review
"Alphabet Kids" will help you to identify possible labels for your quirky kids, and point you in the right direction for diagnosis and treatment. Many gifted children suffer from the paradoxical situation of being both intellectually gifted and learning disabled. Sometimes they are fortunate and both the advanced abilities and deficits are supported. In other cases, the children receive accommodations for either the disability OR the giftedness alone. The giftedness may mask the challenges, and the kids recognized as gifted are often described as lazy, or more generously, as underachievers. Those who are not recognized as gifted may simply be seen as average students.
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It's hard to believe that November is here already! The autumn days are flying by, and the holidays are just around the corner.
be well-
Lorel Shea, Gifted Education Editor
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