Here's the latest article from the Gifted Education site at
Seven Steps to Overcoming Overwhelm
Sharon Barnes MSSW, LCSW counsels gifted and creative individuals and helps them to achieve their goals. This article outlines how gifted adults can turn around overwhelming feelings and decrease stress. These key lessons may be applied to gifted kids as well!
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The warm weather is upon us, and I haven't even started my garden! This was supposed to be the year we put up a chicken coop as well, but that hasn't happened yet either. Dh and I are going to try some time management techniques to see if we (yeah, mostly it's me!) can get better organized and do the things we want to do as well as the things we need to do. If you have any great time saving ideas, please write in and let me know!
take care,
Lorel Shea, Gifted Education Editor
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