Homeschooling Newsletter from
Meg Grooms, Editor
November 6, 2007
1. Introduction
2. Featured Articles
3. Advertisement
4. Quick Project & Links You Will Love
5. Forum Activity
6. Closing
Hello & happy autumn! I wish to apologize for my recent unexpected absence and thank Vanessa Shields, the Crafts For Kids editor, for filling in for me the past few weeks. If you haven’t checked out the Crafts For Kids site yet, be sure to do so soon at
The leaves are changing here in northwest Georgia and the warm weather is a not-so-distant memory. The cooler weather seems to invigorate my children, their interest in outside activities renewed and I’m always being called out to see their newest project. Last year the kids were busy unearthing a deer skeleton, this year they’re building a somewhat authentic wigwam. Seeing my children’s interests and abilities unfurl is further proof of how well the homeschooling lifestyle suits us and how we can mold it to meet our needs and desires.
My middle-years children are spearheading these projects and it’s amazing to watch their creativity and see their brains at work. Parenting a middle-years child is wonderful but it can also be stressful, children this age have a whole new set of questions and needs. I’ve written a review of a great book titled “Homeschooling the Middle Years”, it’s definitely worth your time.
As children grow sometimes their interests and abilities out-pace our own. When this happens a parent may feel insecure about their ability to teach their children long-term, but have no fear, tutors are here! Are you thinking about hiring a tutor for your child? Be sure to check out “Finding a Homeschool-Friendly Tutor” this week!
Be sure to visit the homeschooling site and links below for more information about homeschooling!
Passport to Learning (Guest Author Vanessa Shields)
Information on creating and using a Passprt system for trips to educational locations.
Homeschooling the Middle Years Book Review
Homeschooling your young child is fun and wonder-filled, even “easy”. Middle years children, those between the ages of 8 and 12, are a wee bit more difficult. They are capable of more, they are on the verge of independent learning, throw in their hormones and newfound sense of individuality and you may find them a less-than-willing participant at times. It doesn’t have to be, however, and you don’t have to reconsider your decision to homeschool simply because your child is older!
Finding a Homeschool Friendly Tutor
It is imperative that parents find a tutor who is not only supportive of homeschooling but one that also understands the unique needs of the homeschooling family. Learn what to look for in a tutor!
How to Ace the SAT Book Review
Are you stressed about taking the SAT? Don´t be! This book makes study and preparation a breeze.
Homeschooling Multiple Children
When you homeschool more than one child it may seem that you spend your entire day teaching. It can be difficult for parents to arrange their daily routine to accommodate multiple learners in the family. It does take time to work out the exact schematics but there are several techniques to investigate that could make the process easier for you.
Archive of previous features
Are you looking for just the right homeschooling advocacy item?
Look no further than our CafePress Shop!
Featuring our newly redesigned “Caution: Homeschooled Child” design and “Bored of Education?” designs!
Is it a rainy or snowy day? Keep your kids busy building a dollhouse!
Give your child a box, scissors, glue and other craft supplies and see what they create! Use the internet to search for printable wallpaper, furniture templates and paper dolls. Use foil to make appliances. Use plastic wrap for windows. Let their (and your) imagination soar!
Links You’ll Love – Crafts For Kids – Making Friends (paper dolls & other crafts) - Print Mini, printable dollhouse items
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Happy Homeschooling!