Hello there, how are you this week? It’s been a pretty quick 7 days that’s for sure. Hard to believe we're almost three quarters way through January!!
We had our first gathering for Sunshine Linus Inc on Monday and it was a huge day, and very hot, but very productive and satisfying. We changed the set up of the day a little and it made a big difference. By being more organised we seemed to be more focussed on the task at hand. Still lots of laughs and giggles emanating from various workstations – all good fun.
Here’s the link to the Sunshine Linus blog if you’d like to see what we got up to. http://sunshinelinusgroup.blogspot.com.au/
Last week I posted a free pattern that can be used to make charity quilts – I’ve called it Brick and I hope you can use it in your quilting endeavors. Here’s the link to that article:
I’ve had some lovely emails from readers this week – I really appreciate the time you take to contact me and tell me what you’re doing in your neck of the world. The one thing I’ve come to understand in the six years I’ve been editing this quilting blog is that quilters are pretty much the same the world over… extremely generous and giving people who are always willing to share.
In keeping with the sharing theme, I’m going to share some goodies with you this week – some different items for you to browse through. Hope you enjoy them.
http://www.adventuresofadiymom.com/2013/03/how-to-tie-blanket.html you may have seen these no fleece blankets about – here’s how to make them
http://www.cluckclucksew.com/2011/11/tutorial-quick-and-easy-bowtie-blocks.html here’s a really quick quilt to make up
http://www.instructables.com/id/Collapsible-Bucket/ I love this collapsible bucket – very clever
http://punchwithjudy.blogspot.com.au/2014/01/art-people-portraits-and-figures.html here’s some quilt candy all about portraits
http://serendipity.gpvm.com/tassel.html here’s a simple to understand tutorial on making a tassel – always handy to have
http://so-sew-easy.com/christmas-tree-skirt/ I know Christmas is past for this year, but this is a very simple Christmas tree Skirt that you could have finished by February!!
http://barbarabrackman.blogspot.com.au/2013/11/running-reds.html here’s an interesting story and solution for the dreaded running reds in the washing.
http://awesomesauceasshattery.com/2012/02/11/clothespin-sweethearts/ not quilting but a cute idea
http://asubtlerevelry.com/colorful-crochet-tablecloth#more-384299 a great way to use up those old doilies that are sitting in your linen cupboard.
http://www.annamariahorner.com/Mother.Goose.Quilt.pattern.pdf a cute Mother Goose Quilt
That’s all from me this week dear readers, I do hope you are in a happy place and able to spare a few minutes reading through the goodies. Till next week, keep those fingers busy
Cheerio for now
Judie Bellingham, Quilting Editor
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