Hello everyone, another week has flashed past, the quilt show is over and I’m back on earth!! What a week. I spent the five days at the quilt show, sewing for our Linus Project. We had so many visitors, from around the state, country and world. Many quilters popped in for a chat or to offer comments about what we are doing for the community. We had lots of quilters deliver their quilts. Some of these quilters had traveled up to 1000 kms (a lot of miles!) to deliver their quilts to us while the show was on.
Our quilt show is accompanied by a craft fair and of course there were a million ways you could happily part company with your cash. I was pretty tempered, I did buy some batik fabrics (love ‘em) and a wonderful gadget that clips onto your glasses and magnifies your work. The gadget came with four different strength magnifying glasses – very useful.
The presentation of the quilt winners went very well, and I had my photo taken next to my quilt. I was so excited, especially to have my darling husband Mike and sister Lyn in attendance. If you’d like to see all the quilt winners from the Queensland Quilters quilt show, here’s the link: http://www.qldquilters.com/show.html . Thankyou to all those lovely BellaOnline readers who emailed me with congratulations. It’s just fantastic to hear from you, your contact is like a dose of medicine for me and food for my soul.
During all this chaos, I posted an article about Weighted Blankets for you to read. These blankets (not quilts) are made and donated to Autistic associations who distribute to their patients and families. They are a wonderful tool in the management of Autistic Disorders. Here’s the link: http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art2240.asp . I’m in the process of writing the second part of that article which is the text and diagrams of how you can go about making weighted blankets for your community. I hope to have it posted next week!
I’m giving you an extra bonus of gifts this week and next week, as I’ll be having a break for four weeks and won’t be posting a newsletter for the whole of November. I’ll miss writing to you, and look forward to getting back to you on my return on the 2nd December.
So here’s an assortment of gifts for you. Firstly, another pretty pincushion for you.
I found this Hooded Baby Towel on the web, loved it, hope you do too. http://prudentbaby.blogspot.com/2009/10/diy-hooded-baby-towel.html
Here’s a quilting cartoon for you to enjoy. http://selvageblog.blogspot.com/2009/10/todays-cartoon.html
Here’s a great chart to help you work out the right size quilt for your bed.
Here’s a Bias Tape cushion to make – good way to use up all that bias tape you have hanging around in your sewing stash. http://lookmanopatterns.blogspot.com/2009/10/fun-with-bias-tape.html
I’ll be back next Wednesday, but in the meantime, I hope you are well and happy and keeping warm and getting lots of cuddles from your loved ones. If not – here’s a virtual hug from me. *********************************************** Did you get it?
Cheerio for now, and have fun quilting.
Judie Bellingham, Quilting Editor
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