Quilting Newsletter


July 27 2012 Quilting Newsletter

Hi everyone, my apologies for being sooooo late with this week’s newsletter. I was too clever for my own good. I have been visiting my daughter who has recently moved to a regional town in Queensland about three hours from here. To save taking my computer up with me, I intended to use my daughters computer to send my newsletter but , you guessed it, I couldn’t get it to work. No matter what I did, I couldn’t get it going from her computer.

So please forgive me, I don’t often mess up my timing for the newsletter, as I know that my readers do look forward to having it pop into their inbox each week. So I will hopefully make up for it by giving you DOUBLE the goodies than I normally send.

Whilst away, I was busy sewing curtains for my daughter’s home. It’s a very old Queenslander and is probably over 100 years old (that’s old for us Aussies!! I see wry smiles on English and European faces!!LOL). Not one of the windows was the same measurement of any other in the house, so I had to painstakingly measure each to get it right.

I’m not very good at curtain making, but they turned out OK, and my daughter was very impressed. I am feeling muscles I haven’t felt in years (in very odd places I might add!) as a result of climbing up and down on chairs to measure and fit. Anyway, good to be home and back with my darling, who incidentally managed quite well without me.

Last Sunday I posted an article about workshop requirements and posted a PDF list of things you might be needing when attending quilting workshops. Here’s the link to that article: http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art177320.asp

Over at the Forum we had a request from a reader about French Braid quilt patterns and techniques. There were a couple of replies on the forum, here’s the link: http://forums.bellaonline.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/773672/quilting_a_french_braid#Post773672

So, onto my goodies for you this week. I do hope you find something useful amongst them.

http://dailypicksandflicks.com/2011/09/28/cayce-zavaglias-embroidered-portraits-picture-gallery/ embroidered portraits. Unbelievable!!

http://www.starsforstreetlights.com/2011/10/diy-anthropologie-scarf-flats.html pretty up your flat shoes

http://craftsnob.com/2011/07/bobbin-holder/ storing those nuisance bobbins

http://seweasylemonsqueezy.blogspot.ca/2012/03/i-spy-bags.html great quiet time game for grandmas

http://tiramisue-suesblog.blogspot.com.au/2012/03/babushka-pin-cushion.html a cute Babushka pincushion

http://www.needleandspatula.com/2011/05/wonky-drunkards-path-quilt-block.html a drunkards path always looks tricky, but this a great tutorial

http://freshlypieced.blogspot.com.au/2011/07/summer-sampler-series-arkansas-traveler.html here’s an interesting quilt block that would make a great quilt

http://www.makeit-loveit.com/2012/02/ballet-shoe-applique-on-shirt.html a very useful pattern for your little ballerina

http://tallgrassprairiestudio.blogspot.com.au/2009/01/my-heart-is-filled-with-joy.html a pretty pattern great for charity quilts

http://weallsew.com/files/2012/02/New-Dog-Coat-from-an-Old-Jacket-by-Diana-Durkes.pdf make a doggy coat from and old jacket

http://www.rileyblakedesigns.com/cutting-corners/2012/01/20/sprocket-pincushion/ a sprocket pincushion – love it

http://www.oliveandollie.com/2011/05/tutorial-how-to-paint-modern-barn-quilt.html I love the barn quilt concept

http://theprayerflagproject.blogspot.com.au/ the prayer flag project – a great idea

http://www.stylebyevadiva.com/2012/01/scrap-fabric-jigsaw-puzzle.html a fabric jigsaw pattern, what a clever idea

http://katiesquiltingcorner.com/2012/02/free-sewing-machine-mat-tutorial.html this is not new, but it is a very popular craft item

http://www.stumbleupon.com/su/2oACHU/:1CaAS2O5P:SMJAJRrB/www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bBMKtRm898/ Not quilting but…. Do you suffer restless legs. Here’s a bit of fun!!

That’s been a whole lot of fun this week, I do hope you are well and getting through your busy days. Cheerio for now

Judie Bellingham, Quilting Editor

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