Quilting Newsletter


August 15 2012 Quilting Newsletter

Hi there again, it’s Quilters Quarters newsletter time again. I’ve just returned from eight days with my daughter, puppy sitting her lab while she worked. You might remember last week I told you that Cadbury has eaten some rat poison. Thanks to subscribers Ruth and Alexis and others for asking after him and offering advice. He’s fine now, but it was touch and go there for a while.

I spent the week giving him lots of TLC and little walks and medication. I really enjoyed my stay in the country. (I often wonder if I was a farmer’s wife in another life). I love the outdoorsy lifestyle and building a fire every night, and long walks on dusty roads. It really is a very pretty spot where my daughter is. No shops, no passing traffic to speak of, just lovely. Very cold chilly and frosty mornings, followed by beautiful sunny warm days.

So now I’m home and there’s a house that needs some TLC and I’m it! So, I’ve stopped briefly to get this newsletter off to you. I do hope you are all well and coping in your life. The Olympics are over (thank goodness), and now we can get off the couch and get some more quilting done!

Last week I had the pleasure of posting an interview I had with a couple of lovely Aussies who drive a big red bus around outback Australia, bringing quilting resources to those who don’t have access to shops in their towns. These people are really very precious for quilters in the outback and I hope you enjoy the interview. Here’s the link: http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art177482.asp

So, I’ve spent some time whilst at my daughters, finding all manner of goodies for you, Have fun!

http://www.makeit-loveit.com/2011/09/fabric-storage-boxes-per-your-request.html these fabric storage boxes are fabulous

http://theaftercraft.blogspot.com/2011/09/silk-tie-quilt.html what a lovely idea for remembrance

http://un-jour-une-grille.over-blog.com/article-13-02-11-grille-de-point-de-croix-gratuite-sapin-de-noel-66737959.html I thought this little cross stitched Christmas tree is so cute.

http://littlebiggirlstudio.blogspot.com/2011/09/purse-week-u-shaped-purse-handle.html This is one classy tote tutorial

http://holloughby.blogspot.com/2011/05/sewing-tuesday-schneeky-schnake.html a tutorial for a snaky softie

http://duringquiettime.blogspot.com/2009/10/scrappy-armrest-pincushion-tutorial.html a lovely armrest pincushion caddy for your sewing lounge

http://sadanorris.blogspot.com/2010/08/busy-busy-opps-thimble-holder-tutorial.html a thimble pip to make

http://sewandtellquilts.blogspot.com.au/2012/02/on-my-design-wall.html you might need to sit down to read this blog idea!

http://www.craftleftovers.com/craft/how-to-make-a-replacement-pet-bed-filler/ replacement pet bed filler

Ok, that’s all from me this week. So good to be able to be in touch each week, always food for the soul!!

Take care, and till next time,
Cheerio for now

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