Hello all, how are you this week? For our northern hemisphere readers, your children and grandchildren are going back to school after their summer vacation, and in the southern hemisphere we’re celebrating the arrival of spring, and at the end of this week, our children and grandchildren will be enjoying two weeks of semester break.
It’s been another busy week here at the Bellingham household. Firstly I traveled northwest to my daughters’ home for a stay of 3 days. I was lucky enough to get a direct flight to the township (about 6000 souls), on a 30 seater prop plane. Usually I have to fly into the nearest large centre and then drive another 2 hours into the outback.
I had a lovely time with my dears. They’ve been married nearly three years now, and it’s lovely to see the cozy nest they’ve made for themselves. They live in provided housing (they’re both teachers), but never-the-less, they have worked hard to make the outside and inside just right for them.
My son-in-law is a very keen gardener and has done a marvelous job of propagating and growing all sorts of flora, which is really a marvel considering they live in the bush, where it’s very dry and dusty and the soil is rather poor. Poor for growing things, but incredibly coal laden and they are surrounded on all four sides by open cut coal mines.
They’ve recently taken delivery of Cadbury, a chocolate Labrador. What a gorgeous dog he is. Not the boisterous Lab you would expect for 3 years of age, but quietly goes about his day, reading the news (with his nose) around the big backyard; finding the coolest spot in the house and yard and generally being within arms reach of either of his masters.
If you’d like to see the photos that accompany this newsletter, here’s the link to the newsletter on the website:http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art1321.asp
Well, last week I posted an article about the latest quilt project that I finally finished. It was a block of the month titled “Through the Garden Gate” and I’m very pleased with the final project. Here’s the link to that article.
My gifts for this week focus on the animal world. I was looking for a doorstop pattern and thought these might be appropriate. What do you think? Firstly here’s a lovely little owl, I thought he was so cute.
A Stripey Cat for all cat lovers: http://www.greenkitchen.com/blog/labels/patchwork.html; and finally a patchwork dog to stitch: http://www.interweave.com/needle/projects/PatchworkDog.pdf
Well, dear quilters, that’s all for now. Just a little note before I go, I often get emails from subscribers telling me that your email has changed and that they would like the Quilters Quarters newsletters to go to the new email address. Unfortunately I’m unable to change the email addresses on the Bellaonline site (that’s part of the scrupulous security we run at Bellaonline), and this means that you need to re-subscribe with your new address yourselves. Hope the heads-up helps.
Take care everyone, stay happy and well and do something special for yourself this week. Till next time, cheerio for now and have fun quilting!
Judie Bellingham, Quilting Editor
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