attentiondeficitdisorder Newsletter

Attention Deficit Disorder

February 17 2011 Attention Deficit Disorder Newsletter

Here's the latest article from the Attention Deficit Disorder site at It is about "Parenting Children with Attention Deficit Disorder."

Greetings from the Land of Oz! Not Australia--Kansas!

My mother used to say that, "Children are a lot of work." Boy, was she ever right! She also told me that I would need to raise "at least two of your own to pay for your raising." Looking back, I'm surprised that she said two. I would have said at least four!

Parenting is one of those jobs that have a long, steep learning curve. You need to balance what children want with what they need. Children with Attention Deficit Disorder have all of the same needs as other children. They need safety and security. A sense of love and belonging is important. Good nutrition, exercise, and creative outlets are necessary for a well-rounded child. However, layered over these basic needs, children with ADD/ADHD also need strong parental advocates.

I had to learn to be a strong advocate. This article gives an outline of what I think it takes to raise a confident child with ADD. What ideas do you have? What have you found that helps your child? Please feel free to post to the forum. It's easy to do. Here are instructions on how to register:

Go to the ADD Forum. Sign up by going to the box on the far right side of the screen that says, "Register to Post." Click and follow the directions. Know that you will never be spammed for giving us your personal information. BellaOnline is here to provide information, not make money. We don't sell your information to anybody!

What kinds of posts do we want?
• We want lively, spirited discussions on the topic of ADD. This discourse should be respectful and family friendly. There may be young readers, and we want to be sensitive to them.
• Your comments about the current articles are appreciated.
• Please leave suggestions for future articles and product reviews here.
• The forum is an excellent way to communicate with me.
• Ask questions and get answers from our online community.

Your forum input is valuable. Please take time to post.

Have a blessed week!

Here is a link to this latest article. I hope you find it helpful.

Please visit for even more great content about Attention Deficit Disorder.

To participate in free, fun online discussions, this site has a community forum all about Attention Deficit Disorder located here -

I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!

Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge! They are welcome to sign up for the newsletter.

Connie Mistler Davidson, Attention Deficit Disorder Editor

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