bahai Newsletter


August 7 2010 Baha'i Newsletter

Here are the latest two articles from the Baha'i site at

How does religion in general, and the Bahá'í Faith in particular, view calamity and how to respond to it. A more general view than a later article I have planned in which I'll be a lot more personal! The main thing I've learned is that we are never as alone in our catastrophes as we think we are; there are always others who have been there and survived that. What I needed to learn was how to ask for help. Stil working on that...


A Brief Outline of Bahá'í Laws
Just an introduction to be fleshed out in later articles. Stay tuned! It's really surprising me how trying to understand and apply them to my life has molded what were my first impressions all those years ago. Perhaps what I've learned (or NOT learned, as the case may be) will be helpful to others, as well.

Please visit regularly to check out the updates, plus I have been learning how to add some games for fun and relaxation. Presently, there are Hangman, word scramble and word search puzzles based upon a list of virtues.

I have not quite mastered the technical aspects of the matching games, such as resizing and storing pix, but I do have one test sample up and running. Wheeeee, I'm becoming a techie! (But only because BellaOnline makes it so easy.)

Do stop by the forum and tell me what you think so far.

Meanwhile, enjoy the last of this fantastic summer weather. Leaves are beginning to turn, here, and I'm carefully NOT looking till I'm forced to face the potential end of summer!

I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!

Cheryll Schuette, Baha'i Editor

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