English Gardens are at their best at this time of the year, with borders full of colour and scents.
Gardening Tips
Remember to dead head plants in order to keep them blooming as long as possible - with lupins and delphiniums for example.
If you cut off the old flower stems you will find that it encourages the plant to produce more flower stems later in the season!
Chrysanthemums can be made to branch out and develop more flowers if you pinch out shoot tips now until mid July.
Don't forget to deadhead any camellias or rhododendrons.
If you need ideas for designing a path in your English Garden, then take a look at these English Garden photos
An easy way to get more plants is to grow your own. So take cuttings now of marguerites, pinks, geraniums and fushias.Climbers and shrubs should have cuttings taken from non-flowering shoots.
Tips for growing cuttings
Keep them in a bright but shaded spot. Too much sunlight can scorch tender young plants.
Water sparingly. Too much water can cause your cuttings to rot.
Once they have got going remember to give a little dose of feed each week
Sow seeds of Canterbury bell,s Foxgloves, Sweet Williams and Forget-me-nots.
Here's a summer tip for keeping your lawns looking good - if the weather is really hot then please don't use your mower too much!
Give your grass a break however if you must cut it then don't cut it too short! - better to have the grass a bit longer and healthy than short and brown-looking!
Water well just once a week. Dig out dandelions and daisies before they flower so the seeds are not spread about.
Enjoy your garden
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Hellie T., English Garden Editor
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