Hi Everyone,
I'm back! It's been a struggle over the last few months, but as the expression goes: I think I got the bull by its horns. Well, let's hope so. No, I haven't forgotten about you; I have been trying to cope myself.
I have some new info coming soon to try and keep you updated. In the meantime, here's a little venting.
Veronica Easterling-Thomas
Here's the latest article from the Fibromyalgia and CFS site at BellaOnline.com.
You Don't Look Sick to Me
The longer I´ve dealt with a chronic and invisible disability the more my pet peeve list has grown. Read on for a caution to all my would-be critics. Let´s have some fun and say what we wish we could for a change.
Please visit fibcfs.bellaonline.com for even more great content about Fibromyalgia and CFS.
To participate in free, fun online discussions, this site has a community forum all about Fibromyalgia and CFS located here -
I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!
Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!
Veronica E. Thomas, Fibromyalgia and CFS Editor
One of hundreds of sites at BellaOnline.com