It's Easter Sunday and also the hour has moved forward so we are officially on summer time, but there is still no sign so far that the message has got through to nature. In fact the news is full of Germany's famous Flea Circus having lost its entire cast as they were on their way to a performance due this week. All three hundred "star fleas" died from cold, despite their thermal wrappings.
This week there are two articles based around German Easter traditions. One which has become a year round treat while the other simply lasts a whole year.....unless it becomes part of the traditional Easter Fires.
STRUWEN. A Fried Yeast Pancake Recipe. Mouths water on Good Friday in Muensterland as for generations it has been the tradition to serve Struwen. Originally made only for the Lenten Fast now they are enjoyed throughout the year, nevertheless few Muensterland tables will have been without them on Karfreitag.
PALMBUSCHEN FOR PALM SUNDAY Palm Bouquets, an Easter tradition originating in the 10th century, are Good Luck charms, with various rituals attached, which are kept until Ash Wednesday next year or added to Easter Sunday's Easter Fires. But before this happens the colorful bunches of twigs, herbs and flowers are decorated and carried in Palm Sunday processions to church to be blessed. With DIY instructions, and they are very easy to make.
And this week's WORD OF THE WEEK ...............Angsthase
Which is literally a "scared hare". Angst = Scared + Hase = Hare Probably because of the reputation rabbits have of either running away at the first sign of danger or freezing to the spot.
So its meaning for us is along the lines of a Scaredy Cat, someone who is afraid.
There is much more to read and discover on the German Culture site, which also has a forum, so if there is anything you would like to see featured, or if you have any Germany related questions or comments, then please feel free to contact me, either in the forum or via email.
Francine McKenna-Klein,
German Culture Editor
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