humanrights Newsletter

Human Rights

October 16 2006 Human Rights Newsletter

Human Rights Newsletter


Here's the news for this week from the Human Rights site at

In current events:

Tibetan Refugees Shot by PRC forces; Witnesses silenced; Video


Celebrities Join in to Rally for Darfur

Also up: A new article for your abject perusal:

When Sita Rises - Injustices Committed Against Indian Women
India, spiritual mecca and land of enchantment has adopted many aspects of
westernization engendered to bring them into the twenty-first century as
an economic world force; But behind the saris and the silk facades, her
women are suffering more than ever before.

As well, kudos this week go to Mellano and Company for their Rainbow Roses.
Appropriate for any Gay Pride wedding or other sundrious event, frankly
I'm sold on the kitschy beauty of them alone.

Come visit at for even more illuminating
content about Human Rights and events. To participate in free,
thought-provoking and fun online discussions, we also feature a community
forum all about Human Rights located here -

-where we heartily encourage all manner of feedback and commentary, and where
silence is never a virtue.

As always, you are invited and encouraged to pass this message along to
family and friends as you deem fit, because everyone likes a little free

If you know of an issue that you feel should be covered, please write. Kudos, comments and criticisms are equally encouraged (welcomed,even), and each letter will be personally responded to by yours truly. Do let me know what you're thinking.

Until next time, may the blessings of peace be upon you,

Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman
Human Rights Editor

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