newage Newsletter

New Age

August 19 2010 New Age Newsletter

Hi Everyone

I'm trained as a Colour therapist, so I thought it was high time I wrote you an article on colour healing. I have bowed to my American friends and gone for US spelling!

Color Healing
Color is such an integral part of our lives that we sometimes take it for granted, yet it has the power to heal us. When we are poorly we talk about being off color and from an energy point of view this is absolutely true. A clairvoyant may see illness in the aura and body as grubby, dull colors.

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I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!

Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!

Lauren DĀ“Silva, New Age Editor

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