Greetings to all nurses and those who love nursing and nurses as well!
I love Easter. Not just because it is such a wonderful reminder of my faith and why I believe as I do, but I also love to see all the little girls come into church with their brand new dresses, hats, gloves, patent leather shoes and matching purses. We have several sets of twins in our small congregation and it was so fun to see the 1 set of boy twins in their little ties and dress shirts and the little girls (2 sets of twins) in their new outfits sitting with Pastor during the children's lesson. Priceless moment.
This past week we celebrated the start of spring. I think Mother Nature has ignored the calendar in most parts of the country! I hope that all of you hit by the many storms are safe and you and your families are well.
This week's new article talks about things to learn regarding medication errors and how we can grow and become better nurses by taking to heart the lessons we learn from mistakes we make. Nurses carry a big responsibility and we are expected to be "perfect". We are human and do make mistakes; we need to learn from them!
Here's the latest article from the Nursing site at
Medication Errors
Medication errors happen to everyone, we are only human. What can we learn from these mistakes? What should we learn?
Please visit for even more great content about Nursing.
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I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback! If you have topics you want to see on please let me know and I will research the topic and write up an article on the topic. Remember, this is YOUR site and I want to know what YOU want to learn more about and what you want to discuss.
Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!
Thank you for being part of the family. You are the reason we write to inform, engage, and encourage. It is truly an honor to share my passion of nursing with you. Feel free to share your nursing passion with me in our discussion forum or by sending me a message from the website.
I look forward to seeing you online!
Lorraine Hover, MSN, BA, RN
Nursing Editor
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