Dear Readers,
Another week has passed and the weather in Poland improved. Now, after weeks of rain, we have hot and long Summer days. Something most of us wished for :)
As mentioned last week, I offer you this time article on Jerzy Popieluszko, the most recently beatified Pole. His story is a fine examble of courage and active resistance, even in case when the whole system is againts you. The story of this brave man, who was killed 26 years ago, will be now known to wider public.
The story of priest Jerzy Popieluszko
His story is remembered by whole nation as he was not only a priest, but also a fighter. During the times of Communism he taught not to hate our enemies, even when we are oppressed and persecuted. Many people awaited his beatification to happen.
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I hope you all have fun reading the articles! I wish you all the best and a great Sunday!
Barbara Swiech
Polish Culture Editor - Books in English published in Poland, touching topics connected with Polish culture but also with fields of life such as religion, phylosophy and other.