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Self Development
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What Your Tie Colour Says About You
The colour of your tie is said to give away more information about you than most other accessories in your wardrobe. Why? As explained in this self development article, your tie or necktie is often used to give others a little peek into your true personality.

Self Development Mistakes
In your quest for self development there will always be times when you lose all your motivation, enthusiasm, and desire for a new life. This self development article covers the common self development mistakes that prevent you from achieving the success you want.

15 Tips for Surviving Christmas
Do you find it difficult surviving Christmas and all the stress it can bring? Here are some personal development and self development tips that you may find useful in coping with the preparations, shopping, parties, commitments, and everything else that comes with this holiday season.

Cheese and Dreams and Self Development
What is the connection between cheese, dreams and self development? Many people believe that eating cheese before bed gives you a restless night and bad dreams. Self development is concerned with ensuring that your body and mind are in tip-top condition. Does cheese really upset this balance?

The Hope Raisers Review
This article is a self development review of a non-fiction book by Nihar Suthar entitled 'The Hope Raisers: How a Group of Young Kenyans Fought to Transform Their Slum and Inspire a Community'. It is inspirational and shows how ambitions can be achieved in even the most dire situations.

Negative Talk - 2 Words That Stop Self Development
People are forever using negative talk or negative speak (negative words and phrases) in their daily conversations without realising the huge impact this can have on their life. This self development article discusses one of the most common phrases that can significantly affect personal development.

Learn Something New Daily - Can You Eat Gold
The importance of self development is about having the mindset of learning something new daily. There is so much one can learn from other communities and cultures from around the world. This article on 'Can You Eat Gold' is just one example of the millions of subjects about which little is known.

Power of Silence and How To Use It
Silence has great power as this self development article shows. If you are aware of how to use silence effectively, this can significantly improve your work and social relationships. It is a very powerful self development tool.

First Impressions That Can Make You Cringe
This self development article is about first impressions that can make you cringe. There is much material around on giving good first impressions and body language. With bad first impressions being virtually impossible to undo, it is important to be aware of what can make people cringe the most.

Cars - Is Yours Clean Or Dirty
This self development article suggests that how clean or dirty you keep the inside of your car can reflect your true personality or true self. If your home is immaculate this does not necessarily mean that your car will be too as your car is generally an extension of who you truly are.

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