wicca Feature Archive of Articles

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What Are the Wiccan Ritual Tools
Wicca founder Gerald Gardner borrowed the ritual tool tradition from ceremonial magic. As you learn about the ritual tools of Wicca, you can make informed decisions about whether each tool fits into your spiritual practice.

Full Sap Moon of March
The March full moon is the Sap Moon. March is a time of unpredictability, shifting of the seasons, and surging energy. Now the sap is rising in the trees and the spring equinox is at hand. You must choose, organize, and bless your upcoming projects.

Your Craft Name Means Rebirth
A craft name is an alias or witch name that you create as part of your pagan identity. You do not have to choose one. But if you are thinking about a craft name for yourself, you might be interested in the spiritual concept of rebirth that lies at the heart of this custom.

Your Craft Name Protects You
Why choose a craft name? A craft name is an alias, a witch name. You don't have to have a craft name to be a pagan or to practice witchcraft, but you might want one. There are compelling spiritual reasons to choose a craft name, but its primary physical purpose is to protect you.

Imbolc Sabbat Activities
The Wiccan sabbat of Imbolc, which occurs on February 1, is a time of beginnings. It is also a time of spring cleaning and blessing one's home and pets. Here are several ideas of things to do on this most auspicious day to honor the Goddess Brighid of the sacred flame.

Full Storm Moon of February
The February full moon is the Storm Moon. This is a raw, blustery time of year in which the snow can return with a vengeance. February is a month of beginnings and renewal as celebrated with the Imbolc sabbat.

How to Decorate An Imbolc Altar
The sabbat of Imbolc, which occurs on February 1, is a time of beginnings. This article will give you ideas on how to decorate your altar to honor the Goddess on her fire festival.

How to Choose Your Craft Name
A craft name is a pagan or Wiccan alias. You don't have to have one. But a well-chosen one will be a source of spiritual strength for you. Here are some potential sources for your craft name.

What is a Craft Name
A craft name is a name that you create and use to identify yourself within the pagan community. Think your craft name as an alias, a magical name, a witch name, or a pen name, if you wish.

Full Wolf Moon of January
The January full moon is the Wolf Moon. This is a point of great stillness when the cold has frozen the ground and the water as hard as stone. This is a time of waiting, endurance, and survival – but great potential is building.

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