Winter Blizzards - Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Winter Blizzards - Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
The Northern East coast of the United States was hit by a sudden winter blizzard before the leaves had a chance to show off their golden hues. The residents still hadn’t brought out the rakes, with the green foliage of summer, still busily storing food for the trees to thrive. I hadn’t seen an early snow storm of this magnitude since October of 1991 in Minnesota. Early storms can cause injuries and deaths from falling trees, electrical wires, cold temperatures, and carbon monoxide poisoning. Millions were without electricity. Many were caught unaware and unprepared. Pets and exotic pets cannot fend for themselves. Exotic pets can be susceptible to death in frigid temperatures. Worrying about winter survival may seem tedious, until you are caught unaware!

Children, pets, exotic pets, and adults suffered equally. However, children and pets can’t fend for themselves. Adults should be the responsible ones. At the very least you should be prepared with safe non-electrical source of heat, (an example at bottom of this page) and a carbon monoxide alarm with an alarm you can hear (an example at bottom of this page)! You should have food that is basically ready to eat and stored water. No electrify means you won’t have water for long. You should have supplies on hand to last you a minimum of 72 hours.

There are many exotic pets that can’t endure severe temperatures either cold or hot. They could in fact die. Many exotic pets can’t even digest food if they are too cold.

Make sure you have the necessary food and miscellaneous items stored that your exotic pets or pets will require. Always have these items on hand; you don’t know when winter emergencies will strike.

Food storage for human survival can be as simple as canned goods or going the expensive route and purchasing emergency food bars, freeze dried foods; both can be found on Amazon by searching the keywords emergency foods.

Water storage is a necessity. Adults, children, and animals will need water to survive. Have enough water stored to last 72 hours. Buy bottled water from the grocery store.

Ideally a home should have a generator to generate electricity until your electrify can be restored. Generators can be found in all kinds of different sizes and types of fuel from propane, natural gas, gas, to diesel fuel.

If you want to keep exotic pets you have the responsibility to care for these animals. You must be prepared for emergencies! How many people are prepared for these types of emergencies? They don’t react until a disaster strikes!

Sudden major winter storms always seem to have fatalities, people die of carbon monoxide poisoning because they bring a charcoal grill or a generator inside the house. Generators have to be outside otherwise you will die of carbon monoxide poisoning. Pets or animals are no different; they too will die of carbon monoxide poisoning. Some animals such as birds are even more susceptible to poisonous gases!

Having a propane heater, generator, or carbon monoxide alarm does you little good unless you have read the instructions and know how to use the device. After you purchased the piece of equipment, read the instructions. Reread the instructions every once in a while to refresh your memory. Understand the use and function by using the item ahead of time.

A heater or generator won’t be of much use if you don’t have fuel on hand. If you need propane buy it ahead of time. If you need batteries have a supply on hand. Change the batteries frequently. You may not be able to leave your own driveway; there may be a rush on fuel supplies during, or shortly after a big storm, leaving you without. Learn how to safely store the type of fuel you will need. Make sure there is plenty of ventilation around the fuel.

Very little time is required to check on the welfare of your neighbors. If everyone were to check on their neighbors many disasters could be avoided.

Worrying about winter survival may seem tedious, until you are caught unaware.

There is no excuse to not be prepared. A responsible pet owner or exotic pet owner is a prepared exotic pet owner!

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Kidde KN-COPP-B-LPM Battery-Operated Carbon Monoxide Alarm with Digital Display

Mr. Heater F232000 MH9BX Buddy 4,000-9,000-BTU Indoor-Safe Portable Radiant Heater

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