Flying Squirrel - Flying Squirrel as a Pet

Flying Squirrel - Flying Squirrel as a Pet
Flying squirrels can be a wonderful pet, especially if you bond with your flying squirrel while it is still young, hand fed; around the age of six to eight weeks. Flying squirrel pets can be very gentle and sweet The flying squirrel is a rodent but the mannerism of the flying squirrel reminds me of the sugar glider. The sugar glider is not a rodent it is a marsupial. Both of these animals are capable of very strong bonds with their humans.

Keep the squirrel with you as much as possible during those first initial weeks. Keep the squirrel in a pocket or pouch. This will help with the bonding process by associating your person and scent.

Both the Southern flying squirrel and the Northern flying squirrel are popular pets. The flying squirrel nocturnal. They don't really fly but glide using the membranes that are attached to their front and back legs.

The pet flying squirrel will eat nuts, seeds, vegetables, fruit, grain, and safe flower petals. Like other rodents they need to keep their incisors worn down. Keep them supplied with safe wood and nuts in a shell for the purpose of keeping those ever growing teeth in check. Do make sure they have a daily source of calcium. The National Flying Squirrel Association suggest a calcium to phosphorus ratio of two to one. They also recommend sweet potatoes a food ideal in this ratio range.

Make sure they have plenty of fresh filtered water. If you don't use a water bottle make sure the bowl of water is quite shallow to avoid drowning accidents. In addition, change the water frequently.

Flying squirrel cage
The flying squirrel cage needs to be big. The cage should also be tall. If you are taking on an exotic pet of this nature you must supply its needs. The spacing of the wire should be no more than 1/2 inch. Supply a hidey or nesting box they must have a darkened area to sleep during the daylight hours. This quiet darkness is necessary. Use a safe bedding; never pine or cedar as it is lethal to the flying squirrel it is toxic to their respiratory systems. Use a grass hay make sure there are no foxtails, or you can use a cotton bedding. Add branches (not sprayed with chemicals, or other toxins) and sleeping pouches for variety.

Flying squirrels are social by nature. They are also very active animals. They will need exercise and enrichment activities. You must be in the position to spend time with your flyer. You can use a exercise wheel but please make sure it is the new solid plastic version so that the squirrel doesn't get injured.

Make sure you find an exotic pet veterinarian before bringing home a flying squirrel. Also make sure it is legal in your area.

If you find an orphaned flying squirrel please refer to an experienced wildlife rehabilitator or refer to the National Flying Squirrel Association

Flying squirrel pictures
Flying squirrel pictures or flying squirrel images

This is a sugar glider we photographed during an educational presentation in our local town. The presenter is gloved, however it is important to be cautious while educating the public and children. All animals are capable of biting. A bonded pet flying squirrel rarely bites.

Diana Geiger Exotic Pets Editoron

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