The Arrivals Documentary

The Arrivals Documentary
There are fifty one episodes in this series all made by Hashemsfilms. I watched it over a couple of days and I was not impressed. My son who was given the DVD watched it with me and we both felt it made Muslims look paranoid and untrusting of God. It can be found on YouTube and Google Videos.

The film speaks of the arrival of the dajjal, the anti-Christ and the return of Jesus Christ and someone called the mehdi. None of these events are mentioned in the Quran and I personally have never heard of the dajjal or the mehdi. None of these names are mentioned in the Quran so where do they get them from? It is a video of scaremongering and lies.

If Muslims believe that God is in full control of everything and that everything happens because God wills it to be so, then how can men have a hidden agenda to take over the world? A future New World Order is supposed to be created by men and we are all going to live in fear of entities that do not exist.

Where in the Quran does God say Jesus will return? Which chapter and verse tells us of his return? God tells us that he took the life of Jesus before he was crucified but God never tells us that this human being is going to return.

Chapter 3, verse 55
Thus, God said, "O Jesus, I am terminating your life, raising you to Me, and ridding you of the disbelievers. I will exalt those who follow you above those who disbelieve, till the Day of Resurrection. Then to Me is the ultimate destiny of all of you, then I will judge among you regarding your disputes.”

Terminating life means death.

Where in the Quran does God say an entity called the dajjal will inhabit the earth? It does not say anything about the dajjal in a single verse of the Quran. Where in the Quran is the mehdi mentioned?

The video talks of a New World Order and a takeover of power by men. Rich men who I guess have nothing better to do than plot the downfall of the human race.

Chapter 6, verse 123
Thus have We placed leaders in every town, its wicked men, to plot therein: but they only plot against their own souls, and they do not perceive.

God knows that men will plot and scheme to ‘take over the world’ but God is in full control and nothing happens to us except in accordance with the will of God who is fully aware of all things (64:11).

So why are people making such a big fuss about a film that is made by simply using man's imagination? Ignorance is the main reason. Ignorance of Islam and the power of God.

Satan is on a mission to mislead and destroy the human race and some humans are helping him. Instead of watching videos that are made to scare us and make us feel useless and out of control, Muslims should be concentrating their research about Islam and God by reading the Quran.

Humans are easily led and the devil leads many humans down a path that they will one day wish they avoided.

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