PHP Operators

PHP Operators
In this tutorial we will discuss the PHP operators and how they are used. There are five types of PHP operators; the assignment, arithmetic, comparison, logical and increment/decrement operators.
  • Assignment Operators
    The assignment operators are used to assign a value to a PHP variable. For example I might want to assign the value of Diane to a variable named $MyName. There are four assignment operators.

    = This assigns a value to the variable named $no

    $no = 1;
    += This assigns the value of $no +1 to the variable named $no

    $no += 1;
    – = This assigns the value of $no -1 to the variable named $no

    $no – = 1;
    .= This concatenates (adds to) two values together. In the example below I am adding the value of " Cipollo" to the $MyName variable. Remember that the value of $MyName is Diane.

    $MyName .= " Cipollo";

    Now the value of $MyName is Diane Cipollo.

  • Arithmetic Operators
    There are five PHP arithmetic operators. But don't panic. It's just basic math.

    + addition

    This adds two values together.

    $c = $a + $b;

    This subtracts one value from another value.

    $c = $a - $b;
    * multiplication

    This multiplies two values.

    $c = $a * $b;
    / division

    This divides two values.

    $c = $a / $b;
    % modulus or remainder

    This gives the remainder of two values.

    $c = $a % $b;

    Let's say the value of $a is 7 and the value of $b is 5. Then the value of $c would be the remainder which is 2.
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