New Pets

New Pets
Never buy a pet on impulse. If you see a pet or exotic pet that you want... great. Go home and think it over. Research the animal. Think about your day to day schedule. Look at your living arrangements. Find out how big the animal is going to get. Do you know if the animal will be six inches or eight feet when it is full-grown, that is a big difference! Should he or she have a cage? Some animals should never be caged, one example is the skunk. If the pet needs a cage how big of cage does the animal need?

Does the animal have specific heat requirements? Should it have a very specific temperature range? Does it need a certain amount of humidity? How about UVB lighting?

Snakes are alive and believe it or not have feelings. They require a lot of care. Learn what the requirements are for the snake you are considering. Make sure you have a proper enclosure and that the enclosure is secure.

How much is all this equipment going to cost. Can you afford the equipment? How about the animal's food requirements, can you meet this animal's needs? Is there a supply of this animal's food easily purchasable nearby?

Do you have children? Do you have children that visit? Perhaps this is an animal that shouldn't be around children or vice-versa. Are you willing to commit to supervising the animal and children so that neither is injured, or worst, killed?

What if the animal should become ill? Does it need vaccinations? Should it be spayed or neutered? What would happen if it should get cancer, can you afford the animal's medical costs?

Whichever animal you are considering as a pet how long is it's lifespan? I would love to buy one more macaw or cockatoo (hand fed baby). However, I am not going to buy either of these animals. These animals can live to be 60 or more years old. At one time I knew my daughter would take good care of my animals if something should happen to me. Now that she has two children I can't expect her to take care of a bird that takes hours a day, to properly care for the animal. Especially, the highly important socialization aspect that affects many animals especially birds.

Many animals have complex social needs; a bird is one example of these animals. If you don't spend the necessary time, high quality time, with these animals they will suffer and even perhaps die. All animals need your time. Are you willing to give your time?

In order for animals to stay healthy and live long and happy lives their living environments needs to be clean and sanitary, cages, equipment, everything to do with your pet. Are you willing to commit to the time involved to keep your pet healthy?

Getting an animal is no different from planning for a baby. Are you willing and able to do everything this animal will need?

Until you are ready and able to give it 100% of a animal's needs don't bring home a pet. Don't give pet owners and exotic pet owners a bad name. We have politicians that do that job.

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Ferrets: A Complete Guide available in paperback and Kindle. By Diana Geiger (me:) Five star reviews! Finally up-to-date ferret care information! Available in paperback and Kindle! You can also find Ferrets: A Complete Guide at Barnes and Noble online.

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Ferrets - A Complete Guide Paperback and Kindle
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