Pygmy Jerboa as a Pet
This little fellow looks like a bird with its long legs, a mouse because of cuteness and size, a kangaroo because it can hop long distances; nah I am sticking with the alien theory. The jerboa is conjuring such statements as the “cutest animal ever.” The magical demeanor of the Pygmy Jerboa seems to have the world entirely smitten.
People are willing to break laws to obtain the little rodents as pets! It is rumored that a breeding pair made its way on a meteor to Ohio. After a long and hard search to find a breeder of the jerboa, it is said that some of the breeders on the breeders and sellers list (under Subjects - Possible link to purchasing a Pygmy Jerboa) occasionally have some available.
Many people are looking to purchase a pygmy jerboa. I would presume from the fact that there are few breeding pairs in the United States it will be difficult. There could be good reason wild caught pygmy jerboas aren’t making it to the U.S. for breeding purposes. Maybe some of the laws are finally working – laws meant to protect animals – example potential extinction. Not laws that have come from politicians paid by AR lobbyists, giving the right to own exotic pets only for AR financial and political gain. If you obtain a jerboa makes sure it is captive bred and not an illegally poached animal.
It wouldn’t be long before people would tire of the latest exotic pet, the pigmy jerboa, and they would release it into the wild which would threaten our own native species and threaten the entire ecosystem. A case in point, the non-native snakes that are quickly heading to the top of the food chain in Florida; possibly emerging triumph over the alligator.
I have nothing against having any exotic pet as a pet. Heaven knows I have had several species. Know all you can about an animal before you obtain it. Don't let the poor animal fall victim to the latest craze in exotic pets.
Yes, they are cute, and some only an inch in size. However, the fact remains that little is known about the little critters, so what if he or she should become ill and need a veterinarian. Are veterinarians knowledgeable about the pygmy jerboa?
The jerboa is from arid areas in Pakistan, Iran, Egypt, Arabia, Russia and other areas in Asia. The pygmy jerboa is a species of rodent. It could possibly be one of the smallest rodents in the world. They live in burrows, allowing them to keep cool in the daytime harsh arid climates. They are nocturnal. Most jerboa’s are omnivores, meaning they with eat most anything from plants, seeds, to insects. They get most of their water requirement from food. Though I have no doubt they would relish a bit of water if they found it.
Rodent articles on the rat, mouse, chinchilla, gerbil, hamster, gerbil, guinea pig, rodents are good starter pets for youngsters, and more!
Rodent articles Rodent articles
Want to see something that is as cute as a bug's ear? The finger monkey, aka the pygmy marmoset including finger monkey pictures and finger monkey videos. finger monkey
Find it on youtube! The youtube videos of the jerboa are a great deal of fun to watch.
Pictures youtube videos - of the Pygmy Jerboa
Baby Jerboas
It is no doubt an intriguing tiny animal. Is it suitable for the exotic pet industry? I think we will have to leave that to the powers that be.
As with any pet or exotic pet consider pet adoption from an animal shelter, animal rescue, or a pet rescue. There is a lot of pets needing homes and animal adoptions makes you feel pretty darn good. You will find exotic pets breeders or exotic pets for sale under subjects and then breeders and sellers.
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