New Moon ~ eBook Review

New Moon ~ eBook Review
Book Title: New Moon
Author: Stephenie Meyer
Published: 2006
# of Pages: 563


Bella and vampire boyfriend Edward have been dating for six months. One huge obstacle that Bella cannot seem to let go of is her upcoming eighteenth birthday. She will then be older than Edward. His refusal to change her into a vampire causes her to experience frustration and discouragement. Yet, she agrees to celebrate her birthday with the Cullens'. Alice Cullen, excited about planning the perfect party, goes to every extreme. The party goes well until an accident leaves Bella bleeding. Jasper, the newest vegetarian, struggles to contain his lust for human blood and the party abruptly stops. This is another point where Edward realizes the danger he is putting Bella in.

Edward begins to draw away from Bella finally telling her he no longer wants to date her. He is breaking up with her and the entire Cullen family leave Forks never to return. What Edward does not realize, since he cannot read Bella's mind, is that he is Bella’s entire world. Her whole world will, and does, fall apart when he leaves Forks. She feels abandoned and withdraws from friends and family becoming isolated and lonely.

Encouraged by her father, Bella visits her old friend Jacob Black. Bella and Jacob Black become close friends and comrades in crime. Jacob begins to fill the void left by Edward. She begins to do risky things, like riding a motorcycle, only to discover that when she pushes the limit she hears Edward voice telling her not to be stupid. She longs to hear his voice, so she continues to push the envelope and eventually goes cliff diving.

As their friendship progresses Bella learns that Jacob has secrets of his own. A werewolf curse is part of the Quileute tribe heritage. When vampires are present specific teenagers in the tribe will phase into werewolves. Vampires and werewolves are the natural and mortal enemies.

Alice Cullen returns to Forks. She can foresee near future events and sees Bella jump off the cliff. Then Bella disappears from Alice's view. Edward sees this and is now on a clear path of self destruction, for he does not want to live without Bella. Alice knows that Bella is the only one that can stop Edward. New Moon seems to be heading for a ‘Romeo & Juliet' ending.


Most sequels are not nearly as good as the first. New Moon disproves that point entirely. Usually sequels need to be read in conjunction with the whole saga, however in this particular case you will soon find that this book can stand on its own. You certainly would not see the whole story or enjoyment by reading it alone, but it can be done.

New Moon increased by 130 pages! Yet, after reading the book you still hunger for more. This second novel in the Twilight Saga brings different emotions. Many will be expecting Edward to be the focal point again, however he is missing in a significant portion of the book. You will find yourself ready through parts of this book faster than normal, trying to learn when Edward comes back into the story.

Not only is Edward missing from a considerable portion of the book, the entire Cullen family is absent. Bella is still the narrator and you feel her abandonment and pain. Bella's pain and her actions are a direct result of Edward leaving. The loss she feels binds her friendship with Jacob securely, even though Jacob is falling in love with her. You question how this love triangle will play out. Jacob, a werewolf, and Edward, a vampire, both in love with Bella, the human. (It is not until the end of the book that you realized you must re-read the beginning to fully understand what you missed by reading so fast!)

New Moon brings in another twist that keeps us reading. This book is not merely about Bella and her pain. The rogue vampires (Victoria & Laurent) return to Forks seeking revenge. Remember, Edward killed James in Twilight. Their return keep the werewolves active. I have to admit that the Quileute werewolves are an unanticipated twist to the story. You thought you knew where the author was taking you in Twilight, then New Moon changes everthing. You begin wondering how the plot will develop.

I thought putting down Twilight was difficult. Putting down New Moon was literally impossible! I read this book in 1 ½ days, staying up until 3am to finish it!

The downside? You will need to read book three immediately!

Before you go any further, you must realize that when you start the Twilight Saga you require a minimum of 5 days for nothing but reading! Then when you finish, you will undoubtedly want to read them again.

I highly recommend New Moon!


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