Adolescents on the Autism Spectrum

Adolescents on the Autism Spectrum
The book club selection for the Autism Spectrum Disorders site for July 2006 is Adolescents on the Autism Spectrum by Chantal Sicile-Kira, author of Autism Spectrum Disorders.

The foreword is by Temple Grandin, Ph.D. This book is a parent's guide to the cognitive, social, physical, and transition needs of Teenagers with Autism Spectrum Disorders.

There are not many books that I have seen relating to the adolescents who are on the spectrum. I purchased this book to help prepare for my son Nicholas who turned eleven a few months ago. I believe the term is tween for his age group.

Chantal first worked with families through the Regional Center system and then became a parent to a son on the Spectrum. She also has a weekly radio show on Autism One Radio. There are 268 pages that cover foreword, author's note, six chapters, closing comments, bibliography and index.

If you have a child that has yet to enter the teenage years now is the time to purchase Adolescents on the Autism Spectrum. Utilize the summer months to peruse through this guide to help you and your family prepare for the onslaught of teenage melodrama. I was surprised that hormones is not listed in the index, since this is what I hear often about in email groups of parents whose children are entering the teenage years.

Autism Spectrum Disorders and How They Affect Adolescents - here is where hygiene, puberty, masturbation, sexuality are explored. Sensory skills, motor skills and communication issues are explored.

Family Life: The Teenager at Home - self regulation, teaching new skills and sibling issues.

What Every Teenager Needs to Know About Puberty and Hygiene, Grooming and Dressing, Sexuality - what teens have to say, growth and development, health, privacy, modesty, what to tell your son, what to tell your daughter, ejaculation and teaching boundaries.

The Middle and High School Years - curriculum ideas, strategies, ability levels, mentors, bullies, problem solving, obsessions and safety issues.

Transition Planning: Preparing for Life After High School - facts and concerns, academic interests, transition team, work experience, rights and responsibilities.

Therapies, Treatments, and Strategies to Help Adolescents on the Autism Spectrum - diets, skills, appropriate behaviors, communication, social skills, DIR, RPM.

The index includes the following - brushing hair, delayed reaction time, seizures, toileting issues, physical exercise, divorce rate, need for support, siblings, visual supports, idioms and written goals.

I am looking forward to reading through this book over the summer to learn what to expect the teenage years and how to help my child through this period. Feel free to share your tips, ideas and opinions on the book at the forum.

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July 2006

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