Job Search During the Holidays

Job Search During the Holidays
With the holidays right around the corner, is your job search taking a back-seat to everything else? If you can carve out an extra five minutes, these quick and simple tips can help you make the most of your spare time.

Take five minutes to:

* Give thanks. Is there anyone in your network who has been particularly helpful or supportive of your career? This is definitely the time to send a quick note that thanks them & wishes them well. Remember, the best networks are two-way relationships. If you are constantly "on the take", you'll weigh down a good thing. Show your appreciation, and make sure you stay in touch consistently and not just when you need help!

* Print your resume. If you're looking for a job over the holidays, be sure to keep at least a few neat copies of your resume with you. If you're prepared, you'll be able to ask people to critique your resume, offer career advice, or even forward your name on to a hiring manager. Being prepared makes it all so easy!

* Network. If you're looking for a job, remember everyone that you meet is potentially a contact. Who knows, maybe the person ringing up your purchases at Target will provide you with a hot job lead! You never know.

* Update everyone. Take five minutes to phone a recruiter that you met at a job fair earlier this year. If you've moved or graduated since the last time you talked, be sure to tell them. If you've moved to a new address, make sure they know where to find you. Be sure to thank them for their time.

* Drop off your drycleaning. Think positively: perhaps you'll have an interview right after the holidays! Make sure your interview suit is ready to go! While you're at it, shine your shoes!

* Follow up. If you've applied for any jobs in the last few weeks, take five minutes to send a brief follow-up email message. Keep it simple. Simply let your contact person know that you are still interested in their opportunity.

* Call home. If you're going home for the holidays, call or email your folks and friends ahead of time to let them know you're interested in networking over your vacation. Perhaps they will be able to introduce you to someone who can help your career.

Best of luck to you in your job search pursuits. This is a hectic time of year, so stay positive and don't be too hard on yourself as you are looking for a new job. Remember, actions speak louder than words, so the tiniest extra effort on your part will speak volumes. Good luck!

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