Types of Abortion

Types of Abortion
Abortion methods vary based on how far along a woman’s pregnancy is when she has the abortion. I’ve broken it down according to trimester:

First Trimester

Both chemical and surgical abortions are available during this time, depending on personal situations and the medical care available. A woman seeking a chemical abortion must be willing to submit to a surgical procedure if the chemical abortion fails.

Methotrexate & Misoprostol: This is a chemical, or medical abortion. A doctor administers the drugs that will induce heavy bleeding and the expulsion of the uterine contents, i.e. the baby, gestational sac, placenta. Fatal Clostridium sordellii infections are associated with this method of abortion. Methotrexate & Misoprostol are not approved by the FDA for use in abortions.

Mifepristone and Misoprostol: This is a chemical, or medical abortion. Mifepristone is known as RU-486. The FDA has approved its use as an abortifacient in a medical plan that also uses Misoprostol. Fatal Clostridium sordellii infections are associated with this method of abortion.

Suction Aspiration: This is a surgical abortion method used up to the end of the first trimester of pregnancy (12 weeks). The mother’s cervix is dilated and a suction catheter is inserted into her womb. The baby is torn apart and removed by the powerful suction into a surgical bottle. The bottle is then emptied, and the baby’s body is reassembled and inventoried to make sure nothing remains in the womb.

Second Trimester

Only surgical abortions are performed from this point forward, in most cases. There are two notable chemical abortions performed sometimes.

Prostaglandin Inductions: Prostaglandin, a labor-inducing hormone, is administered every few hours until the abortion is complete. It is most often given vaginally, but is also used orally or injected directly into the baby, essentially poisoning him. The cramps this method produces are excruciatingly painful and violent; the baby’s body is often damaged during the expulsion.

Saline Induction: A harsh saline or potassium chloride mixture is injected into the mother’s womb. The salt mixture does double damage; the baby is poisoned internally by swallowing the mixture and is burned externally by the corrosive effects of the saline on his skin. Death can occur within one hour, but can take longer. Labor usually begins spontaneously after this type of abortion, and the mother gives birth to a dead baby. Sometimes labor-inducing drugs are given to speed the process.

Babies have been known to survive this type of abortion; some have been left to die of exposure in a corner as medical waste while others have ultimately survived and been adopted. It is known within the industry as “candy apple babies” because their skin has been burned shiny, smooth, and bright red.

D&E, Dilation and Evacuation: The cervix is dilated and forceps are inserted into the womb. The forceps are then used to twist apart the baby and remove him.

D&C, Dilation and Curettage: The cervix is dilated and a loop-shaped knife is used to cut apart the baby and scrape out the contents of the uterus.

Third Trimester

Only surgical abortions are available at this stage in a pregnancy.

Hyterotomy: An incision is made in the abdomen and uterus, and then the umbilical cord is cut, depriving the baby of oxygen while still in the womb.

Chemical/Saline Induction: The same as saline induction, described in the second trimester category.

D&X, Dilation and Extraction, Partial Birth Abortion: The mother’s cervix is dilated. Using ultrasound for guidance, the doctor grabs the baby’s leg and pulls his entire body downward through the cervix and birth canal, essentially delivering him in a breech position. With the baby’s head still inside, the doctor uses scissors to make an opening at the base of the baby’s skull, inserts a suction catheter, and sucks out the baby’s brain. The dead baby is then discarded. Other names for this procedure are Intact D&X and Intrauterine Cranial Decompression.

Please work with me on ending legal abortion. Take this information and pass it along. Whatever you do, don’t sugarcoat it. Babies are dying every day and people don’t want to offend each other with the cold, horrific truth. This is a monstrous and gruesome attack on our children. It’s happening every day - on your street, in your town, in your church, in your workplace… Who better to stop it than you?

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