Eve Kenin's Hidden

Eve Kenin's Hidden
Hello, and welcome back! It's been a busy few days here, and the rest of this week looks to be even crazier, so my digging into the August books is going to be a little slower than I'd anticipated. But I do have quite a lot of them here on my desk now, and more than a few I'm looking forward to reading.

This time out, I have Eve Kenin's Hidden (Shomi), the follow-up to last year's Driven. Last time, we had Raina and Wizard's story. This time, in the unruly and frozen north, the genetically enhanced Tatiana, 'sister' of Wizard, is on a mission, to take down Gavin Ward, one of the men who imprisoned and tortured her as part of a long series of experiments. Only now she believes that Wizard and their other 'sister' Yuriko are dead, thanks to Ward. Along the way, she meets up with the very sexy and mysterious Tristan, a man she doesn't have a use for and whom she can't forget. Tristan is on a mission of his own, but when their paths cross yet again, Tatiana is forced to go with him, not realizing at first just what that means for her. And definitely not realizing what his own past encompasses. From their first encounter, you'll know that Tatiana and Tristan could have incredible chemistry. And that Tatiana is a really kick-ass heroine. Tristan is more of a mystery until much later in the story, but that doesn't make him any less compelling. That said, I think I liked Driven better than this one. I liked this one a lot, but something about Raina and Wizard spoke to me more. Tatiana's revenge-driven course seems to set her on a quick track to being irredeemable, but that is definitely not the case. Her quest is not just for her own treatment at the hands of Ward, but to save others from him as well, which makes her an even better heroine. I just didn't love her quite as much as Raina. I'm borrowing three of Cupid's five arrows for this one.

Until next time, happy reading!

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