Noelle Mack's Wanton

Noelle Mack's Wanton
Hello, and welcome back! I hope you're all enjoying your summer so far, and finding plenty of good reading material on your local bookstores' shelves. We're having much nicer weather right now than I could possibly have hoped for. Our vacation week is off to a good start, but before things really get moving, I have a couple books ready to share with you, starting with the latest paranormal from Noelle Mack this evening.

Wanton (Brava) is out now, continuing her 'Pack of St. James' series. This time, the shapeshifter Marko hooks up with the beautiful Severin, trying to find out just who is after the Pack and their women. Marko doesn't know much about her, except that her half-sister was one of the victims of the mysterious killer. And that he's man and she is a very attractive woman. But that isn't really enough to base a lasting relationship on, especially when he doesn't know if he can trust her. Trouble is, he really wants to. But that isn't enough to solve his investigation, or to clear the path to them being together happily ever after. After the previous book in this series, I'd expected more heat in this one, but I was very sadly disappointed. This one starts off with a bang, with a scorching attraction that leads to an even hotter rendezvous before they're rather abruptly apart, and then it's pretty lukewarm the rest of the way. Sure, the story demands a separation for a while, but I didn't like it. After such a hot beginning, readers may expect the heat to continue throughout, and they too will be disappointed. Despite her first couple books which I quite loved, I think Ms. Mack has officially lost me as a fan now. Pity. I never can find enough great reading material in our genre, and it seems that some previous faves are falling off the list on a regular basis. This one gets only two of Cupid's five arrows. It definitely wasn't a keeper for me.

Until next time, happy reading!

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