California Protecting DV Victims from Eviction

California Protecting DV Victims from Eviction
Could you imagine finally getting your abuser out of your home then within days getting an eviction notice that you have to vacate your home within 30 days or shorter? State Senator Leland Yee, D-San Francisco/San Mateo authored Senate Bill 782, which is similar to a San Francisco ordinance.

It is a tricky situation. You pay your rent on time, so that isn’t the problem. The problem that comes into play is the nuisance clause of most rental agreements. Most landlords have a paragraph or so about not bothering your neighbors. Fighting, arguing, too many visits from the police can get any neighbor annoyed and file a complaint about you with your landlord. I know first hand how hard it is to get an abuser to leave before the neighbors call the cops or before the neighbors start confronting him dragging more people into an already dangerous situation.

If you have no where to go, facing an eviction can add more stress to your situation. Currently, if you have to leave on your own accord to be safe, you can by law in California petition the court to help you break your lease. On April 21, SB 782 will be considered by the Senate Judiciary Committee.

This will be interesting to follow. There are many families forced into homelessness due to domestic violence. How many women and children will be saved from homeless shelter if this passes? How many people will feel safe to go get a protection order to get their abusers out of their homes if this passes?

To watch this unfold, you can visit this website or sign up for my newsletter and I will keep everyone notified of this.

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