Don Diamont returns to CBS Soaps

Don Diamont returns to CBS Soaps
Don Diamont is returning to daytime television. Don will play a new character on Bold and the Beautiful: Bill Spencer Jr. Even though this character is shrewd and manipulative like his Y&R character, Brad Carlton, there are also vast differences. Bill is not dark and brooding like Brad, but rather devious, with a smile. Bill Spencer Jr. is a character that will fit into the Los Angeles scene very well. To understand the arrival of Bill Spencer, Jr., the character Bill Spencer, Sr. needs to be explained.

Bill Spencer Sr. relationships in Los Angeles were very strained. Bill’s daughter, Caroline Spencer was an Editor for a local fashion magazine. Eventually, Caroline met Ridge Forrester, and fell in love. Bill did not approve of their relationship, and did everything in his power to stop it. Bill tried to stop Caroline & Ridge’s wedding, but to no avail. Bill thought Thorne was a better match for Caroline, and with her father’s persistence, Caroline married Thorne Forrester.

Years later, Caroline passed, due to leukemia. But Bill still blamed Ridge in a way for his daughter’s death. He left Los Angeles for years, and has not been heard from since. Recently he called Stephanie Forrester to congratulate her on obtaining a lucrative position at Jackie M. Bill shortly died after that phone call. Soon after Bill’s death, Bill’s other daughter, Karen, informed Stephanie that Bill had something vital to tell her. Maybe it had something to do with Bill Spencer Jr. coming to town.

Bill Spencer, Jr. will bring another fashion element to the show that has been missing for a long time: Spencer Publications, the fashion magazine. Bill Jr.’s presence will affect the Forrester and Marone families. Bill is also reported to have a new love interest. Bill Jr. is ruthless and twisted. Bill Jr. was estranged from his father for many years. With Bill Sr. death, Bill Jr. may feel he has a settle to score. I am excited to see a new character shake up the Los Angeles scene. Bill Spencer Jr. will arrive in Los Angeles on May 12, 2009.

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