Black ~ A Book Review

Black ~ A Book Review

Reading Level: Adult
Hardcover: 432 Pages
Publisher: Thomas Nelson; 2 Anv Edition (July 2009)
ISBN-10: 1595547304
ISBN-13: 978-1595547309
Subject: An Adrenaline-Laced Epic Where Dreams and Reality Collide


A fast paced story of evil and rescue, of alternate realities, of pursuit and death. When a terriost plot is uncovered by Thomas Hunter all are surprised that he has learned many facts from his dreams. Only he can stop the deadly attack that is coming to the entire world, but can his dreams be trusted?


I began reading this book and 65 pages later I was hooked, unable to put it down. I had no idea which reality the book was being written about and I found myself reading and re-reading portions to make sure I had not missed some clue. It is a very clever premise for a novel. Not your straight forward terroist plot where good guys and bad guys are defined.

Thomas Hunter is a young ordinary man. He finds himself being chased by men he does not know and ultimately getting show and killed, kind of! I say kind of because in his dreams he is healed and this healing goes across dreams into reality. As the plot progresses we begin to wonder which reality is real and later being faced with the possiblity that both realities are real.

He turns to his sister, Tara, who becomes his stability as he sorts through his thoughts and fears. Tara starts to believe in Thomas and places her life savings on a horse race winning $350,000. From this point the threat to the world becomes more solid and no one will listen to Thomas Hunter.

I found Kara, Tom's sister, very likeable. She encourages, helps and trusts Thomas when no one else would.

This book definitely took me by surprise. It is easy to read a story about terroist, but this book painted two pictures side by side. One of this world that we all know and one of a world that was so vivid, full of mystery and alive that I had a difficult time knowing which world was the real world. In the 'dream' world the sayings that kept being repeated were: 'He chooses, he pursues, he rescues, he woos, he protects, he lavishes.' In one world he is fighting the terroist while in the other world he is learning about the Great Romance. Struggles in both worlds seem to be on a collision course and the reader is drawn in.

When I got to the end of the book I wanted to continue reading. . .I am very glad I bought the second book in this series so I could continue. This trilogy from Ted Dekker is strong and captivating. You will want to begin with the first book or else the follow two will make no sense.

I do recommend this reading. But it is not light reading as you will find yourself thinking and planning and trying to figure what is going on with each chapter.


I would recommend the next two in this series: Red and then White. I have finished Red and about 30% through the final book.

You can purchase BLACK at the link below:

Black by Ted Dekker (paperback)

Black by Ted Dekker (audio book)

Black by Ted Dekker (hardcover)

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