September 2011 Book Club Pick

September 2011 Book Club Pick
How I Wrote My First Book – The Story Behind the Story

By: Lida E. Quillen (Author) and Anne K. Edwards (Editor)

I've chosen this book, as my August 2011, Book Club Pick because of the wealth of true life stories you can learn from inside. One of the biggest hurdles for writers is to get that first book written. So many things have to be addressed, and the experience, when looked back on, seems to be reminiscent of a dodge ball game with you as the target.

How do you go from idea to book? There are so many ways that work. This book shows you how 20 successfully published authors survived their first book challenge. They give you many ideas and tips that will help you to navigate the changing tides from idea to publishing.

Here are the authors and their first books you will learn from inside:

Christine Amsden: “My Million Words of Crap”
Daryl Bain: “The Story Behind The Pet Plague”
Bob Boan: “How I Came to Write Bobby Becomes Bob”
Mayra Calvani: “Tips on Writing Your First Novel”
D Jason Cooper: “Understanding Numerology”
Lee Denning: “Two Beginnings”
Susan Goldsmith: “How I Wrote Abithica”
Ginger Hanson: “Ten Lessons I Learned from Writing Quest for Vengeance”
Toby Fesler Heathcotte: “The Manuscript from a Mystifying Source”
Darby Karchut: “Wings”
Linda Langwith: “The Serendipity Factor”
Aaron Lazar: “The Writing of Double Forte”
Celia A Leaman: “Writing Mary's Child”
Beverly Stowe McClure: “ How I Wrote Shadows on the Desert”
Gerald Mills: “How I Wrote No Place for Gods”
Erica Miner: “How I Wrote Travels With My Lovers”
Stephanie Osborn: “How a Rocket Scientist Becomes a Writer”
Bob Rich: “How I Came to Write Novels”
Dorothy Skarles: “Tales of Intrigue, Adventure and Learning”
Dan Starr: “A Solution and a Seed: Novel Writing as Growing a Crystal”

Each of these authors bring you different aspects of writing your first book. You can learn from their challenges as well as their successes. I am hoping this book will inspire you and instruct you from first concept of your book to writing that last sentence.

Okay. Grab a copy of this book. It comes in paperback and a Kindle Edition. The Kindle Edition is free if you're watching your budget.

Then come on over to the forum and let's have fun discussing:

Your favorite stories.
Things you learned.
Things you want to try yourself.
Answer questions you might have.

Join us in the forum to discuss this Book Club Pick Click Here

Read my full review Here

Happy Writing!

Note: I bought this book with my own funds to review and enjoy.
I am an affiliate of and make a small commission on all paid sales.

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