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Stress Management
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Why Fortune Cookies Are Good For You
The best treat in a Chinese meal, aside from eating out or ordering in, is feeding on the Fortune cookie. Is there any concrete, quantifiable benefit to horoscope and psychic predictions? Well, perhaps there is.

This Valentine’s Day Learn to Love Yourself
Valentine’s Day is almost here and many of us are highly stressed by this compulsory, scripted celebration of love. If we don’t have a significant other, we are in a mad rush to find one for the occasion. If we do have a significant other, we are dropping hints for a gift to brag to our friends.

Drop Weight by Lifting Your Spirit
Being overweight and feeling depressed go hand in hand. In fact, they fuel one another according to a new study involving women ages 40-60. How do you boost your self-confidence when you are feeling unattractive, heavier or older?

How to Make Resolutions You Can Keep
Instead of making resolutions on the spur of the moment, make a commitment to just one goal of self-improvement, for you and no one else.

Metamorphosis Made Easy
Normally, we don’t consider an egg, caterpillar, or pupa, to be beautiful. It’s the dazzling butterfly that lures our attention. We must give up our need to control and surrender to our animal nature, letting ourselves be overtaken by transformation. Change happens in stages.

Why Are Women Unhappier Than Men?
Studies show that a shift in happiness has occurred: Men have cut back on unpleasant activities and relax more while a woman’s "to do" list has increased with less time to do everything. The obvious question: Why can’t women relax more, the way men do?

5 Tips for a Stress-Free Thanksgiving
We have it all, but don’t know what to with it. And now Thanksgiving is almost here and many of us feel compelled to feel thankful. Why then do we drive ourselves crazy overloaded with chores and tensions concerning a holiday of gratefulness?

How to Make New Friends
There are two basic impediments to making new friends. The first is our fear of rejection. The second is not as obvious as the first, our need for instant gratification. It´s not easy making friends anymore or is it?

This Halloween Turn Life from a Trick into a Treat
Halloween celebrates deception, costumes and masks, which disguise who we are. However, are we wearing a disguise or revealing an internal truth, a fragment of our personality we have suppressed, the shadow side? Here are some popular costumes and what they might reveal about you:

How Understanding Your Guy’s TV Choices Fine Tunes Your Relationship
In order to tune into him you need to observe what he tunes into on TV. The programs he watches on TV will help you figure him out because while he is absorbed in TV, he does not have his guard up or act defensively.

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