Marketing Starts with a Name

Marketing Starts with a Name
Belly dancers are in a unique situation when it comes to marketing themselves. Of course, not all belly dancers and belly dance troupes are alike. The name speaks a great deal and it is important when it comes to marketing.

People look at the name of a business when making their selection. Most big names that have been around for years, like Macy's, will bring back people over and over again. Smaller businesses that have to compete, more likely will come up with business names that are catchy and memorable.

When marketing, it starts with the name. What does the belly dancer want to call herself when she markets her belly dance services? Is she an entertainer only? Does she teach belly dance as a workout? The dancer already knows what she wants to offer. How to make it public is another thing.

The name should reflect the dancer or dance group. Most belly dancers market with only their dance name. I have seen lots of dancers do this and after awhile, there seems to be several dancers with the same name. Is that a problem? Not so much, since more likely that dancer is unique to her community and/or city. Most of the time, the dancer who uses her name adds a little something after. For example "moves" can appear after the dance name. It is still catchy and relative to the art.

Dancers can also use the name of their city in their business name. Going back to what I said earlier, more likely dancers are one of a kind in their city, especially small ones. This should be helpful in marketing. If the dancer lives in a big city, then the dancer may want to do some research to see if the name is in use.

When people think of belly dance, they think feminine, of course. Hips, goddess, queen, rose, are just a few words that I can think of that dancers use as part of their business name. With a little creativity, the name can be one of a kind.

Historical names are also popular. Greek, Egyptian goddesses, and names of popular queens are out there. There should really be careful research when actually using the name of someone who did exist. I know it sounds kind of strange, but there will always be that one person who makes a negative comment about the background of that person. For example, there may be that one person who may ask the dancer or group, "why the name Cleopatra? She seduced men". Although I disagree with the comment, I would know how to answer such a question. Politely I would disagree with the person and offer a little, historical background about her. All I am saying is just be ready.

When the name has been selected, the dancer can begin to make business cards, open up a Facebook page, and post events to attract people. The name says it all, so choose wisely.

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This content was written by Ronnette Ramirez. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Ronnette Ramirez for details.