True Miracles with Genealogy Review

True Miracles with Genealogy Review
True Miracles with Genealogy, Help From Beyond the Veil was written by Anne Bradshaw. It is a touching book that is a collection of short stories about people feeling inspired from their ancestors (or those they are researching) from beyond the veil. From her website we read, “True Miracles with Genealogy~Help from Beyond the Veil is a collection of family history research stories written by ordinary people with extraordinary experiences. These events are part of the reward that comes from doing genealogy. They are the fathers and mothers turning their hearts to their children-the spiritual moments and help that comes from beyond the veil.

Each account is unique. Each is a miracle. Each will inspire readers as they come to the heady realization that family history work is of great consequence, and there really is a world of spirits.

Have you ever gotten a “feeling” or “heard” a still small voice talking to you as your do your research? It is almost as if someone is urging you to look at a certain record or to go to a certain place. That is what this book is about - a group of short stories of those promptings that helped and inspired researchers as they did their genealogy.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has many members actively engaged in doing their family history. Many of them have felt the calling to research their ancestry and have stories to share. But, this passion has spread throughout the world and people from all walks of life are interested in learning where they came from. As they research, there comes a point in most of their research that they are just stuck. They can not find any source to document their ancestor’s lives. It is at those times that sometimes that feeling will come across, a prompting to go to the Family History Center, to go to a certain area of the library, or to go visit that relative that just happens to know the information that you are needing.

True Miracles with Genealogy has become such a popular book, that a Part 2 is in the works, and you can become a part of it. If you have experienced that special prompting to help you discover something on your family history, Ann Bradshaw would love to hear from you. On her website you can register for free, then contribute your story. There is also also a True Miracles with Genealogy Facebook page.

You can purchase this book on Amazon as a book or True Miracles with Genealogy~Help from Beyond the Veil for Kindle.

I requested this book for review and the author allowed me a free download. I really enjoyed reading this book and it made me feel closer to my ancestors.

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