Using Text in ScreenFlow

Using Text in ScreenFlow
In the last tutorial, we started the short version of the marketing intro or bumper. We have use the masking technique to draw a curved line onto the canvas and sequenced that with the entrance of the mouse character from the left of the canvas. Now we will work on the text elements such as the book subtitle and company logo. Let’s add the subtitle to the canvas with the ScreenFlow Text too.

  1. The book subtitle animation will be a fade in and movement combination. It will begin at the same time and have the same duration as the mouse animation, that we created in the last tutorial (see links below). Move the Scrubber to the same beginning point on the Timeline as the mouse animation, to the .5 second point from the beginning of the Timeline. From the Properties pane, click the Text tab to view the Text pane and then the Add Text Box button at the bottom of the pane to add a text box to the canvas. Drag the new text Timeline track below the audio track.

  2. As you can see in the Text pane, we will set the attributes for the text Font, Size, Fill, Outline and Backdrop.


    Usually you would use a sans-serif font if possible for video projects because it is easier to read on the canvas. However the italic Baskerville font, a serif font, is part of the branding. So I’ve used Baskerville set to italic and with a Size of 36.


    We will keep the Alignment set to Left Justified.


    The box next to Fill is already checked but we need to set the color or image fill. Keep the fill option set to Solid Color in the drop-down menu and click on the color box to open the Color Pane. Click the Color Palettes icon and set the text color to black.


    We don’t want to have an outline around the outer edge of the text. Leave the box next to Outline unchecked.


    The Backdrop section contains the controls for the background color or image behind the text. The margin of empty space around the outside of the text is set to 20.0 px by default. Let’s remove the empty space by moving the Margin slider to the left to set the margin to zero. This removes any empty space beyond the text in the text box and moves the edge of the text box to the edge of the text. Uncheck the box next to Backdrop and you will notice that the black background behind the text is removed.

    Now that the subtitle text is set, we need to drag it into position next to the mouse. Notice that the Text track on the Timeline shows the text from the text box, which is an easy way to identify each text Track.

  3. With the Text track selected on the Timeline and the Scrubber at the 2.5 second point (when the mouse is in place at the top of the curve), drag the text box next to the mouse. This is the ending position for the text animation. At the end of the animation, the text will be at 100% opacity and positioned next to the mouse character.

  4. Open the Video pane by clicking the Video tab. Click the Add Video Action button on the Video pane to add a video action to the Text track. Drag the new Action rectangle on the track to the .5 second point on the Timeline. This will make the duration of the fade in/movement 2 seconds. Move the Scrubber back to the start of the animation, .5 second on the Timeline.

    To create the movement, we need to move the text box to the center of the canvas.

    To create the fade in effect, we need to set the Opacity of the text to 0 at the .5 second point.

ScreenFlow screenshots used by permission of Telestream.

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This content was written by Diane Cipollo. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Diane Cipollo for details.