Keyframe Animation in Motion 5

Keyframe Animation in Motion 5
In this tutorial, we will learn how to use the Record Keyframes feature in Motion 5 to move text across the Canvas.

As mentioned in the last MotionR tutorial, we will have a new graphic and some new copyright text on the Canvas for Scene3 of our product trailer. The copyright text and new graphic will be static on the Canvas for the entire scene but will have the Fade In/Fade Out behavior applied to smooth the transition between scenes. As we did for the transition between Scene 1 and Scene 2, we will overlap the layers for these scenes in the Timeline. Scene 2 ended at the 35 second mark on the Timeline. So let’s start Scene 3 at 34.5 seconds, which will be 34 seconds and 15 frames in the Timecode (00:00:34:15).

All of the Scene 3 design elements will remain on the Canvas until 00:00::41:00 in the Timeline. We already have extended the text layer of the product name in the Scene2 group to this location. And as it already has the Fade In/Fade Out behavior applied, we only need to add the animation that will move the text. We will also add the Fade In/Fade Out behavior to the copyright text and the new graphic.

At this point, the text is still at the bottom left corner of the Canvas. We will move it up and to the right side of the Canvas. Then we can add the copyright text below the product name and the new graphic to the left side of the Canvas.

Let’s make the animation that will move the text to the new position on the Canvas 1 second in duration. So it will begin at the 00:00:34:15 and end at 00:00:35:15 on the Timeline.

  1. Select the product name layer. Place the Playhead at the 00:00:34:15 mark on the Timeline and click the Record button.

  2. Move the Playhead to the 00:00:35:15 mark on the Timeline. Drag the text to the right side of the Canvas. Click the Record button again to set the two keyframes.

  3. By default, the first keyframe will be placed at the beginning of the text layer. Drag the left red triangle for the keyframe to the 00:00:34:15 mark on the Timeline.

Our last step in this tutorial is to import the new graphic and add the copyright text to the Canvas and add the Fade In/Fade Out behavior to both. As we have covered this already, refer back to the previous tutorials. However, because we want the Fade In/Fade Out behavior to apply to all layers in the Scene3 group, we can apply the behavior to the Group instead of the individual layers within.

Finished Project

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This content was written by Diane Cipollo. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Diane Cipollo for details.