Animating Effects Motion 5 105 by macProVideo

Animating Effects Motion 5 105 by macProVideo
When it comes to MotionR, animation is what it's all about. In this Animating Effects section of the video training course by macProVideo, Michael Wohl covers many ways to create animations.

Wohl begins with a discussion of just what is a Behavior in Apple Motion. He covers the Basic Motion folder of behaviors in the Library and how they vary from using Keyframe animation. His first examples are the Throw, Spin and Grow/Shrink behaviors, with their HUD and Inspector controls.

While in the HUD, he demonstrates how easy it is to switch from 2D to 3D. He also shows how to work with more than one behavior applied to an object via the HUD and the Behaviors tab in the Inspector.

Continuing with more Basic Motion behaviors, he demonstrates the Fade In/Face Out behavior and how to use the graphic controls for this behavior in the HUD. Next are the Move and Motion Path behaviors. For the Motion Path behavior, Wohl demonstrates how to set the Path Shape, refine the motion curved path on the Canvas and how to add points to the path.

Moving to more advanced topics, Wohl next discusses how to add parameter behaviors and set their beginning and ending values in the Inspector. He uses as examples the Ramp and Oscillate parameter behaviors. Next, he demonstrates how to apply one behavior to another behavior, such as the Randomness behavior applied to the Oscillate behavior.

Using these simple behaviors are fun but I really like to create animations that imitate the real world. The next topic Wohl discusses is the list of behaviors found in the Simulations folder of the Library. The example he uses is the Gravity simulation which he applies to a simple circle on the screen. As you would expect, these behaviors have controls in both the HUD and Inspector. Next, he demonstrates how to simulate interaction between objects by applying the Repel simulation to a rectangle that represents the floor. He shows how these two Simulations behaviors work together to create a realistic bounce animation.

Next, Wohl demonstrates how to apply one behavior that will affect many or all objects on the screen and shows how to determine which objects are affected by the behavior. He also shows how a behavior can be applied to subparts, such as letters within a text object, and to particle systems.

Wohl shows many examples of complex animations created by applying several behaviors to one object. For example, he demonstrates how adding the Edge Collision behavior can make your object bounce around the screen.

Moving on to Shape Behaviors, Wohl demonstrates several examples of how you can not only move an object on the screen but also bring it to life, using the Oscillate and Wiggle behaviors along with adding easing and randomizing to these behaviors. As with the Text Sequence behaviors, the Sequence Paint behaviors animate the individual dots that make up the shape of a paint stroke.

When working with particles systems and replicators, you can control the birth and death of the particles but you cannot change their scale or angle over time without complex keyframing. Wohl demonstrates how this can be accomplished by adding the Scale Over Life, Spin Over Life and Sequence Replicator behaviors.

The next topic Wolh covers is Keyframing basics. Starting with a short discussion of how keyframing works, he demonstrates how to work with keyframes in the Inspector, such as adding keyframes to a parameter and moving between keyframes.

Once you have the basics of keyframing, Wohl moves on to live recording animation with the Record button, which automatically sets keyframes based on any change to the parameters of the object. He also covers keyframe thinning, extrapolation and using the Keyframe Editor.

Disclosure: I was given free access to the video training for the purpose of this review article. The opinions are completely my own based on my experience.

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