Working in 3D Motion 5 Training from macProVideo

Working in 3D Motion 5 Training from macProVideo
You may not think of MotionR for a 3D project but Motion does have 3D features. In this video training from macProVideo entitled Working in 3D, Michael Wohl introduces all the 3D controls and how to use them.

Wohl begins by discussing each of the 3D controls and how the z, or third, axis fits into the overall workspace. He demonstrates how to use the basic 3D controls both in the scene and the Inspector. Next, he moves to the HUD and discusses the additional tools that appear in the HUD when you switch to 3D. He moves on to 3D groups and discusses how the visual hierarchy on the Canvas is different than in the Layers pane.

Wohl next introduces cameras to the workflow. He demonstrates how to add cameras to the Canvas and the basic terminology and tools. Once you are familiar with cameras, he introduces Viewports and how to work with a split screen. He discusses the difference between framing and viewport cameras. Next, he demonstrates the difference between the various controls in the HUD and Inspector. One topic I really enjoyed was Wohl's demonstration of using the controls in the Inspector to simulate depth of field.

When you start to animate the camera things get very interesting. Wohl begins with a discussion of ways to animated the camera, including keyframe, parameter behaviors and special camera behaviors. He demonstrates each type and their controls in the Inspector and HUD.

Zooming behaviors are first and Wohl demonstrates the difference between Zoom In/Our and Zoom Layer. Next he discusses Focus and Framing behaviors. He demonstrates how to set an object from the Layers pane as the target object and how to create animations just using the behaviors. Now that you have an idea of how to work with a camera and behaviors, Wohl adds more than one camera to the scene. He demonstrates how to switch between camera views using the Timeline.

Wohl demonstrates how to work with text in 3D. He discusses the Face Camera parameter and how to manipulate the text path in 3D. Again he uses the Face Camera parameter to demonstrate how to make flat 2D Glitter Sparkles Particle Emitters appear to have depth in 3D space. When working with Replicators, he demonstrates how to use the additional 3D shape options in the Inspector.

You can have cameras without lights but lights can be used for many effects. In the Adding Lights section, Wohl demonstrates the basic concepts of how a light affects the objects in the scene and discusses the light types and parameters. Next he demonstrates how to create shadows with the Point and Spot lights and discusses how to modify the shadow attributes. In his final topic, he demonstrates how to add reflections to an object and the parameters controls in the Inspector.

Disclosure: I was given free access to the video training for the purpose of this review article. The opinions are completely my own based on my experience.

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