Whiteboard Animation - Drawing the Lion Graphic

Whiteboard Animation - Drawing the Lion Graphic
Now that we have all the graphics for the Mygrafico whiteboard animation imported and organized in MotionR, we can begin building the first part of the animation. In this tutorial, we will learn how to draw a Bezier path for the hand animation, which will draw the line art on to the screen. But now, the hand/arm graphic is floating horizontally on the screen.

  1. Select the Hand graphic and rotate the arm until it is in a position of drawing on the screen. You want the graphic to be slightly below the bottom edge of the screen, so that the end of the arm is not seen.

    At this point, when you select the Hand graphic, the anchor point is at the center of the arm. This anchor point will follow along a motion path to animate the hand/arm. We don't want the middle of the arm moving over the line art but the tip of the pencil. So, we need this anchor point to be over the tip of the pencil.

  2. With the Playhead at the beginning of the Timeline, select the Hand graphic and the Anchor Point tool. Use the blue and red arrows to move the anchor point over the pencil tip.

  3. Turn off the visibility of the Text, Face, Color and Call layers. After the arm draws the line art we want it to move to the right a little and pause before starting to draw again. Place the Hand graphic at this location.

  4. Select the Bezier tool. In the HUD, set the Beizer tool to a Fill of null, Outline (Stroke) of White (or your background color) and Width 10. With the Bezier tool, put the first anchor point directly over the tip of the pencil. Then, draw a path along the outline of the lion's mane. Still drawing the same Bezier path, continue on to draw the path along the outline of the face. Now, add one more Bezier point to the path where you wish the arm to pause. Unlike in Illustrator, do not try to close the path.

  5. To set the path, select the Select/Transform tool. You should see a new Bezier path layer in the Layers pane. You won't be able to see the path on the screen because it's white but it's there. Rename the Bezier path layer to "Bezier_Lineart" because it is the path for that part of the animation. Drag the Bezier_Lineart layer under the Hand graphic layer.

  6. Select the Hand graphic layer and add a Motion Path behavior (Library - Behaviors - Basic Motion - Motion Path). You should see a straight path attached to the arm starting from the pencil tip.

  7. Select the Motion Path in the Layers pane. In the Inspector - Behaviors - Motion Path - Path Shape, set the Path Shape to Geometry. In this same section of the Inspector, uncheck the box for the Attach to Shape option. Drag the Bezier_Linear path from its place in the Layers pane into the Shape Source well in the Inspector (small box under the Path Shape menu).

  8. With the Playhead still on the first frame, test the animation. If the pencil doesn't directly follow the path, make adjustments to the anchor point for the Hand as needed.

  9. Once your are happy with the animation, let's work on the duration. Ten seconds is too slow. Select both the Motion Path and the Bezier_Linear layers. Drag the right edge of both layers to about 2 seconds (02:00) on the Timeline.

Save your work.


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This content was written by Diane Cipollo. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Diane Cipollo for details.