Whiteboard Animation - Painting Motion

Whiteboard Animation - Painting Motion
As you know, this whiteboard animation video scribe that we are creating in MotionR will be a branding video for Mygrafico and at this point we need to add the branding colors inside the line art of the lion.

We will use the same technique as we did to animate the Hand to draw the line art but this time, we want it to appear that the hand is painting. When I watercolor, I use a zig zag motion over a small area, moving from one edge to the other until the area is filled with paint. Let's create a zig zag motion path.

The graphic that we will be "painting" on to the screen is in the Color group, so we will be working with the Hand and Color groups. You might ask why the Color group is under the other group layers in the Layers pane. We want the Line art (in the Lineart group) to be visible throughout the rest of the video. So we need that group and the Hand group layers at the top. For scene three, we need the Face group to be on top of the Color group so that the facial details will be visible. Therefore, that group needs to be higher in the Layers pane.

If you remember in a previous tutorial, a Bezier path and motion behavior were created to animate the Hand. Then a copy of the Bezier path was added to the group that needed to be masked, which was the Lineart group.

At this point, we have the Hand paused at 02:02 seconds on the Timeline. We will draw a second Bezier path for the second animation to paint the colors on the screen.

  1. Select the Hand graphic layer and the Bezier tool. Begin at the tip of the pencil and add an anchor point. Move to the lion and draw a zig zag path over the graphic. Don't forget to add the anchor point at the end of the path where you want the arm to pause again. Switch to the Select/Transform tool to set the path. Rename this layer from "Bezier" to "Bezier_Color".

  2. Drag the Bezier_Color layer under the Bezier_Lineart layer in the Hand group. Select the Hand graphic layer and add a Motion Path behavior. Rename the motion path to Motion Path 2 and drag the left edge of the layer to the 02:02 mark on the Timeline. In the Inspector, set the Path Shape to Geometry, uncheck the Attach to Shape and drag the new Bezier_Color layer to the Shape Source well.

  3. Shorten the Bezier_Color and matching Motion Path tracks on the Timeline to span from 02:02 to the 04:00 mark.

Test and save your work. Next we will create the mask for the Color graphic.


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This content was written by Diane Cipollo. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Diane Cipollo for details.